Monday, January 13, 2020

Power Out and Stuff

When I was a kid, I remember always being excited when something out of the usual happened - like snow days or the power going out. Today we had one of those cause the power went out. It was around 8pm and I was on my way home with Corey. (I was bring him home from work cause we are down to two cars since Corey's car's engine got ruined, so this month, I have been dropping him off at the Salt Mine then picking him up. He's also taken an Uber a few times) So on our way home we noticed a car on the side of the road close to our house that appeared to have hit a power pole. And as we drove into the neighborhood, all the lights were off, except for 2 homes which seem to have generators and seem to be prepared for the last days (one of which is Elder Christofferson's former home) Looks like we know where we'll all be doing our cooking when Armaggedon hits, haha. The kids were pretty excited about the power being out - nothing to do when we don't have internet and can't use computers or tv. (I should have charged my phone earlier!) 
Good thing the kids knew where the candles and flashlights were. We wondered how we were going to open the garage for school in the morning? Will we wake up without alarms? We were getting a bit ahead of ourselves. We took the time to do some nice old fashioned family reading! From a book!
The power wasn't out for long - just an hour and then phew, crisis averted. So that was a fun memory that I bet the kids will have fuzzy recollections of. Other than that it was a normal Monday full of the usual return to routine, school and homework. For naptime, the little boys slept on our bedroom couch -
I went to take Sophi and Natalie to violin. Peter came along and played with toys, and Natalie took 30+ pictures of him.
Sophi is ready for her lesson with a monkey friend named Banana on her music stand, ready to listen in.
Banana is Sophi's 2nd grade's class pet/stuffed animal. Miss Amy checking Sophi's form and position -
We are all enjoying violin, I'm probably enjoying it the most. The boys played legos tonight. 
I know Hyrum and Wes have school work to do, but they seem to try and avoid homework by coming in the basement and playing.
Wesley said they're not playing legos - they are building with architectural building blocks. He's got to make it not sound so juvenile. The girls have been playing with their barbies a lot - and cutting up socks as they play. Here's a dress made of a glasses cleaning cloth and lots of hair elastics
I kinda shake y head at them using for their doll's fashion wear all the hair elastics I just bought for their hair, but I can usually find one when/if I need one, so I shouldn't complain. One last thing - Abi is working on a "diamond painting" for Iveth. Before Christmas, when I was working on Mel's painting gift, and all the kids wanted to help. So I stocked up on a few paint kids and other craft kids, and this diamond painting was one of them I ordered.
She's making it for Iveth cause Iveth loves sunflowers. Abi has been working on it a lot in any free moment she finds. It's a good thing to spend her time doing and I'm glad she's enjoying it.

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