Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Science Fair

Lily recently had her science fair at school. Her friend's mom kinda carried it for us parents. I helped - I bought a few of the supplies she needed, and I also took her over there and picked her up many times. But they worked on it over at their house, so Hailee's mom I think gets most of the credit. When they had the fair at school, Corey went to rep us. Lily and Hailee were one of the projects that won and advanced to district. The district fair was this week. Yesterday was the judging, today was the open house. It was killing me a little bit to have to go out there twice. Yesterday her friend was supposed to pick her up, but then they had a crazy day at work and so their sitter took Hailee but didn't know she was supposed to pick up Lily.... they said they'd be by at 5:30, and at 5:50 I told Lily that they prob forgot or something so I rushed her out - she was late for the judging but it was ok. We decided to be super on time for the open house today. And Lily and Hailee and their "Smarty Plants" won again!
So yay for winning! But they didn't give them the awards until 6... after the open house was done. So we had some time to kill.
Corey's parents were there with us, so nice. The toddlers were bored. We walked around to look at trifolds several times. So since they won, they are going to region, which will be a fair up at the University of Utah and that is as far as the elementary kids can advance. Here Lily is with the other kids from her school that are also moving on. Lily is the fourth from the right.
Lily on the far right, with her friends showing their medals.
Good job Lily and Hailee!

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