Friday, January 17, 2020

Freaky Face

Tonight Lily and I were in my room helping Peter practice walking.
He's getting a little better each day! Today he took 8 steps! So we were minding our own business and helping Peter practice when a freaky looking something came up to Lily and scared her.
And we were very surprised - "What in the world!?!? What are you wearing?" It was some hydration facial mask thing, I don't know where she got it.
Abi was laughing so hard, which made her look even more scary, which made her laugh more, which made us laugh more, and in the downward spiral we went....
Well, you do look very weird! And after scaring Lily she bent over to scare Peter.
We looked at her with some confusion and wonder. Peter wasn't having anything to do with it though. Abi felt in character cause she went to put on my China robe -
And then tried to reach out to hold Peter....
Nope, Abi, Peter doesn't want anything to do with you. Then she went for a red blanket -
Yes, Abi, you definitely still look very weird and strange!
It's fun to be creative! Go show your siblings Abi, that's a funny facial mask.

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