Saturday, January 18, 2020

Hopefully Potty Trained

Today was a good day. Corey took a few kids skiing on the kiddie hill at Alta this afternoon (Abi, Sophi, Owen, and Daniel) that's always fun. I'll try to get some of his pics here. Or if you're some future historian doing research here, there should be some skiing pictures and videos on our family cloud drive. That's where most of Corey's pictures are videos are all ending up, unless I ask him to send me some on Whatsapp. We need to figure out what to do with his stuff so they aren't just lost in computer storage. Well, just know that he takes more pictures than I do. And the kids take lots of nonsense videos and hundreds of selfies on his phone too, so yeah, there's stuff there.

The thing I'm most excited about from today is that I think that Daniel is almost potty trained. I forgot to get diapers his size today at Walmart, and I'm almost out of diapers, so instead of running out again I figured let's do this - and I've been buckled down for the day watching him (except for just crossing my fingers while he went skiing). Tonight I could just tell by a look on his face that he was about to go hide and do #2 somewhere in privacy, but I grabbed him and wooshed him away to the toilet and there FINALLY did it! A month into this and he had his first successful #2 in the toilet. I had been trying to bribe him with ice cream for days and weeks: "If you go poop in potty, I will buy you ice cream!" And cookies, and candy, and whatever you want - it was reverse terrorism negotiation "I will meet your demands!" "Just poop in the potty and I will get you whatever you want!" Well, the son of a gun did it, so off we went to the store....
...and to the ice cream isle -
And he picked out drumsticks. (And I got some vegan soy bars for Hyrum and myself) 
And we brought them home and shared them. 
We have not had ice cream for a long time. We ate ice cream almost daily in Brazil in 2015, it helped us cope. I'm an anti-dairy flexitarian now, a flexible vegan, so I let cow cream slide as a birthday-day only treat. But we haven't had any birthdays since September! Well, we did have Mel's but she was at college so we didn't have cake and ice cream here (Natalie was a bit ticked off) and we didn't have cake and ice cream for Joseph's birthday either, cause he's gone, and we didn't have it for Peter either, cause P doesn't care. So yeah, this really is a special treat now cause it is a rare delicacy.
They did this little "cheers" thing, like they were making a toast "To Daniel!" "To clean underwear!"  "To ice cream!" 
I'll keep an eye on him for the next few days, but I'm glad we crossed this hurdle and he knows how it's supposed to be done. And we made such a big deal about it, I hope that it works. After him, I've just got one more kid in diapers! After 20+ years of this, that's crazy. I can hardly imagine not having to change a kid's diaper, but I bet it will be nice! Peter, you're next.

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