Monday, January 20, 2020


Last night, we finished up the Come Follow me lesson for the week. The kids did a good job paying attention. Well, they were quiet atleast as I read some things to them and as we watched the screen. And when we were done, and turned back on the lights, I saw one of the reasons why they had been so quiet.
Ethan had been drawing on Peter.
And Peter had sat and willingly cooperated. Ethan decided he needed a few more touches...
Peter likes Ethan. When Daniel was a baby, Daniel didn't like E much, but Peter loves him.
...And will apparently trust him to do whatever he wants with him. 
Well, Peter... was your trust well placed?
"Yeah, it's fine Mom, it will wash off." If Peter sees Ethan, he will call out to him and lean towards him. Sometimes Ethan is like "uuuuuugh..." like tonight. Eth was practicing in his room with the door closed. Peter was at his door on his hands and knees, staring at the crack, like a little puppy wanting to come inside. I opened the door just a little. Peter pushed it open, and crawled in and called to Ethan. Ethan picked him up. Good job multi-tasking Eth!

Peter's lucky that we all find him adorable and irresitable.
Peter came and interrupted my workout tonight too. I had gotten in 3 rounds, the last round took as long as the first 3 cause of all his friends that followed him.
That's what I get for sleeping in on a holiday. It was cute though, I'm glad that they are inspired to exercise.
Daniel running without clothes, lol. He's been in potty training camp this weekend, and we made a big breakthrough Saturday with his first #2 to make it in the toilet. He hasn't gone since, and I'm keeping his clothes off so I can see what's going on and put him on the toilet fast. But he's almost trained, yay.
When he gets trained, I will only have Peter in diapers - that is just ONE kid! That hasn't happened since the year 2000, when Joseph was our only child in December 2000 right before Mel was born, so it's pretty exciting!

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