Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Sad Sophi

Sophi has turned to drawing to convey her feelings lately. And she is very expressive in her artwork.
That one above shows Lily in a negative light. But I guess that's what Sophi feels like Lily is saying. She feels like Lily is playing to much with Natalie, and thus Sophi is left alone. 
Look at that.... Lily and Natalie sooo happy together, not noticing Sophi in the other room, looking sadly at photos of days gone by when she and Lily played together.
I'm not sure who that one is in the drawing above, since neither of them have Sophi's glasses, but I'm still seeing a theme here. I'm pretty sure the stick figure talking below is Sophi, cause of the glasses.
I thought this one was great, how she's throwing her little stick arms out to the side in disgust - very good art Sophi. 
I can tell how you feel. But lest anyone think Sophi and Lily are at enemies, you need not fear. For there are always older brothers around to play the role of villain. And when the older boys are the bad guys the girls come together in unity. Yesterday, Ethan was in their room for something, probably defending Natalie? He ended up putting one of Sophi's toys in his mouth for some reason? I'll have to ask him. Lily drew what happened:
Neither Corey or I were there, but Corey took this evidence that was presented to him and showed it to Ethan.
"Ethan! What do you have to say for yourself?!?!"
Hmm, he doesn't look very sympathetic. (I seriously love it when Ethan throws his head back in laughter!) His defense against the evidence: "I wasn't wearing shorts..."
Lily admitted that she added that part, so she could make his legs hairy, which would hopefully turn the jury against him, as it would taint him as a gross and bad person. Oh, these kids.
We have a lot of different dynamics and sibling battles that go on here - sisters against brothers, big kids against little kids, and then all the sister squabbles and toddler fights as they often battles amongst themselves. I'm going to trust that someday they will all mature and get along with each other and these little fights will just be funny memories.

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