Monday, February 17, 2020

Anniversary Getaway

Last night Corey and I left for an anniversary getaway. We took the kids over to Corey's parent's house where they were all going to spend the night. Even Peter was staying, cause the place we were staying didn't allow children. Corey didn't tell me where we were going until we were on our way. It was a bed and breakfast. We've never been to a bed and breakfast before, so we thought it might be fun to have a new experience. When we got there, we quickly started to have getaway regret... Corey was trying to sound positive: "It's interesting!" Followed a few moments later by "I don't want to be a snob...but..." as he plopped himself on the bed and went to Travelocity to look for a different place to stay.
"This reminds me of my grandma's basement."
"This is a lot like 90 day finace!" he commented, referring to Colt and Larissa - I did my research! "All the boxes were checked!!!" Corey looked at pictures, prices, looks good, all the boxes were checked, Haha, until you're there together and then it's "Uh-oh..."
So... we left. Phew! Corey replied to the text and said we were going to have to cancel our reservation. No refund but that's ok, and we headed over to the Hotel Monaco. Now that we could have Peter with us, I spent most of my time wondering if I should go get him from Corey's parents house. I texted Ethan to see what he thought He was sure Peter would be fine. Corey watched a documentary on the House of Windsor (he's becoming quite an avid student of British History) so he was doing good and interested in that, but then he got tired as I read to him some stuff from Del Dowdell (I'm trying to help him understand the position I currently hold of Peru and Ecuador being the land where the Nephites lived. I also currently agree with the Two Cumorahs theory. I don't think the final Jaredite and Nephite battles were in New York) Anyway, I guess that wasn't as exciting to him, cause he fell asleep as I read to him. In his defense this morning he said it was because there wasn't a chair to sit in to listen to me read, there was only a soft bed. After he turned in, I stayed up until 12:30 catching up on the blog. It was a good thing Corey fell asleep early, cause our slumber got interrupted at 2 am by Wesley calling. And let me say that since I was going off of just 90 minutes of sleep, it is a small miracle that I woke up to my phone that was only set to vibrate.) He said that they were at a gas station and needed money on Ethan's card cause they had to take Peter to the hospital. "He won't stop crying! And he's coughing really bad!" I told him "DO NOT take him to the hospital, I will be right there. Go back to grandmas house, we'll be right there." Corey woke up and came with me. I texted Ethan and Wes both several times as Corey drove. On my phone I saw that Wes had texted me at 1:30 saying Peter was being terrible. Wes said he wouldn't stop coughing so it was Wesley's idea to take him to the hospital. Ethan felt very sorry that Wes had called us to ruin our night away. No, Eth, this was a good thing that he called. Wes apologized too, but I told him I was very grateful he called. I was much happier being interrupted at night and driving out to get Peter than I would have been to have slept through the night and find out they had taken Peter to the hospital and to have an ER bill coming for a kid that just wanted to nurse. We left at 2:10 am, got Peter at 2:30. I told Wes to make sure they had diapers for me. Ethan was in the car with Peter asleep on his chest. He kept him outside so that he wouldn't wake up the whole house of kids. We headed back to the hotel, and Peter slept the drive there and woke up as we went into our room.

In Peter's defense, he's never been away from me for the night. He didn't understand that last night was going to be any different from what he's known every night of his whole one year of life. I joked that he woke up being like "Hey, how did I get here?" We ate some leftover Indian food for breakfast...
After he ate, Peter practiced walking. He's a cute little guy.
Then back to Grandmas to get the kids. We stayed there for a little bit - Corey worked, kids played legos, teens watched Shark Tank. Wes with a magnet sphere on his head. 
So it was fun and it will be a memorable anniversary. I just asked Ethan if they were really about to drive to the hospital in the middle of the night. Ethan said as he contemplated the distant memory - "That was a weird night, I was half asleep. I wasn't going to, but when Wes said 'We need to take him to the hospital...' I was like 'Shoot, I guess we're going to the hospital....' It seemed like our only option...." followed by "I just wanted him to be quiet...." Ethan has looked at Peter with a little bit of fear today. Ethan squatted down by Peter tonight and gave him a hug as he asked "We still friends?"
Haha, so it was a good learning experience for our teenage boys there. I'm really glad they didn't have gas in the car. We had left them with the tank at 03 miles til empty.

They were also supposed to take Lily, Sophi, and Natalie to school this morning, cause they had school today to make up for the snow day last week. But Ethan texted last night before he went to bed saying he didn't think it was going to happen. So I was ok with that and we let them sluff. We did get home in time to practice and get our violins before our lesson (which I had requested we keep even though it was a holiday). And so yeah, it was a fun and quick getaway.

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