Saturday, February 15, 2020

Fancy Family Breakfast and Toddler Skiing

So, in 2014 I made a goal to have a family party each month. And I did it every month. The kids loved it and I would like to do it again some year, but I haven't been able to do it since. But we have kept up with the February party, since February is our anniversay and so I say it's like our family's birthday, and that deserves some special attention. So we did our family birthday party today. It was not quite as amazing that first year 2014, nor like our fancy February meal in 2015, or 2016, (....and I don't think I did one in 2017 cause Corey was gone in Brazil on Vday and then we were in San Diego for our anniversary.). Today was better than 2018's where we just had a dessert, (also cause we got snowed in.) and about the same as last year in 2019, when we had a nice dinner. So the nice fancy dinner is the only part of our family party tradition that is hanging on to real life. Today we did a fancy breakfast meal. I thought of it yesterday during my grocery run to Costco. I texted Wes to ask if he would help me and I mentioned it to Abi last night. So Wes and Abi cheerfully obliged to get up early on their day off from school to help me get it ready. Such good kids
Abi made some fruit kabobs, and Wes did crepes. I worked on pancakes, hashbrowns, and a pepper onion and veggie sausage stir fry.
When the food was almost all ready, we went to wake people up
No one had to dress fancy, they mostly came in their pjs. We were going to do lights, but it's morning time so we didn't bother. After a nice meal, I went to practice violin (I'm practicing vibrato, and Ethan was being quite tortured by my sounds. He took a video of me, so if that shows up on his channel or instagram, please know that I'm fully aware how bad it sounded. That's why I practice! To hopefully eventually sound better. We cleaned up a little then I went to nurse Peter. He took a short nap but then woke up when I left, and here he is in his usual waking up with his usual morning face
Seriously, he's sooo grumpy every morning and after every nap!!! (Why can't you be more like Owen, PETER!?!? He was always calm and happy when HE woke up!) But he's grumpy until you tell him a joke, and then he's fine.
I guess I can deal with him being sad if it's just in those first few minutes of waking up, cause he's pretty pleasant the rest of the day. Peter, you look like a little Tarzan monkey baby or something with your legs like that on my bed...
A monkey or some kinda tree crawling animal. I call him my koala baby because of how he clings on to me sometimes. So, what else.... BYU announced who had been admitted today - and Ethan is in!
He might be too busy for an official #BYUbound photo like Joseph and Mel did, so maybe that one above will be it. That was right after he read the email and shared it with Corey. I told him I wanted a picture - then I paused and asked if he wanted to change his shirt, he said "Meh don't care" (that's become his new personal motto after going to JEN with Crescent and having some other band members make fun of bowling and E's faith...) So I'm glad he's becoming more resilient and able to shrug off problems - that will help him on his mission!

Last thing for today - Corey wanted to take kids skiing, none of the girls cared to go though, so it was just him and Owen and Daniel. I asked Abi if she has skis, and she does.... "Do you think they'll fit me?" Probably. And with that, I asked Corey if I could come with him, and he said yes. The kids agreed to keep and eye on Peter for me, and with that, we were off! Getting skis out of the car...
Corey and Owen on their first run -
I went with Owen on run 2, and then after that Corey and Owen skied together and I was with Daniel, cause he wanted to be with me. Corey and Owen on the rope tow.
Corey took pictures of us. I'll update with those when I get them off his phone. Daniel was being very cute and affectionate, introducing me to strangers in line... "This is my mom..." and we had a good time. We mostly stuck together - taking rides up the lift together or using the rope tow.
It's a short hill, but it was perfect for these toddlers.
Owen was so cute skiing with Corey.
Waiting in line again.
Daniel and I did good on the hill, but we fell over on the rope tow quite a few times. The worst was when his left ski got stuck perpendicular under mine and we were both doing the splits so wide that we could get our feet together or pull ourselves back up or get our boots off.... Luckily Corey was close by and he came and rescued us. But it was a good lesson in opposition and trials. You fall down, and you get up. It's okay to fall. Falling is not failing - we never fail - as the quote on my wall says: "I never fail - either I win, or I learn!" We did wipe out on our last run, and I thought that was our worst one and that he would be crying, but I turn to look at him behind me and he was laughing! Hold that pose! I want to remember this moment - *click*
The memory is captured. Yeah! This is why we love skiing. We rode the lift up one last time and then hiked up a way steep hill to the car. That got my heart rate up, as I held mine and Daniel's skiis and tried to hold his hand and pull him up. Woo!
Maybe I'll put up some lights and we'll do another fancy meal tomorrow.

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