Sunday, February 2, 2020

Mel Home for the Night

Guess what Mel found out about on Friday!?!?! You know the Mozart Group that we just found out about? Well, she saw a billboard down in Provo advertising a show for them - they are coming next Saturday to the Covey Arts Center!!!!
So I got tickets! This was what Mel had to say when I told her I got a ticket for her:
She's very good at finding gifs. So Mel is going to come, and she might bring a date or roommate or maybe I'll let another kid tag along. Exciting though!!! This will be fun! So that was one exciting thing from this past weekend. Abi and her cousin worked on a video for school on Saturday. They got the little kids to help. Here is Daniel - he is Hades.
Pretty good Daniel. He felt very fancy and important.
They made some video about whatever, and as part of their video they pretended they were going somewhere and they got in the Fiesta - and opened the garage, and somehow took it out of gear AND took off the parking brake... and it rolled out into the street. It was exciting and traumatic at the same time. Luckily no one was hurt or killed and no cars got damaged. We're lucky we live on a dead end.

Corey took Wesley down to BYU on Saturday night for a Trumpet Festival, and some of the other kids bummed along too...
They met up with Mel there.
Playing tic-tac-toe in the lobby of Mel's apartment.
Then Corey took them all out to eat at Sonic. He's a nice dad. I'm too cheap to do that, I rarely buy the kids fast food. Maybe just one thing of fries to keep them happy until we arrive at home but yeah,, I don't take the kids out.
Then they all came back home for more quality sibling bonding.
Here's Hyurm home from work, Wes reading, and Daniel watching something funny on Mel's phone and computer. It's always great to have Mel come visit.
Today she joined us at church and we took her back to Provo afterwards. Peter with Mel on the drive home, he looked cute with his hand on his cheek like that.
(No, we usually don't wear seatbelts on the drive to church, sorry....)
It's just up the street and around the corner. We're not trying to be reckless, we're just doing our best to function. Peter showing Mel his yoga moves after church.

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