Monday, February 3, 2020

Rearrange Rooms

Hey, exciting news - it's a snow day! We had a huge storm last night and the streets not plowed. Here's the snow level out our small balcony door
Mucho snow! I have carpool Monday mornings so around 6am, as it continued to come down, I asked if anyone with 4 wheel wanted to trade me. But then we got phone calls that Canyons school district was cancelling school. And all of our carpool families have kids in Canyons, so even though we hadn't gotten word that Granite school district was cancelling school, we all basically decided to cancel it for our families. None of us wanted to go out and drive in that mess. I was glad to have another day to get the work done that we didn't get done on Saturday. I was super productive and it was great to have the kids home to help. We started to rearrange bedrooms last weekend and today we took care of the finishing touches by moving out the train table and switching a dresser for the ikea shelves. And the kids are always excited when the move the mirrored dresser away from the wall, cause they get to make funny faces.
Natalie got stuck behind the dresser in the laundry room while I took pictures of Abi. "Hey! You can't leave me here!"-
We let her out and took her picture - almost a little cyclopse
Pretty fun
Some kind of troll?
or Quasimodo?
We almost made it across the hall when Ethan saw us "Woah, pause. My turn..."
Looking good Eth
So, yeah, Abi was happy with the room arrangement. She took up a small desk from the basement to use and a little table and chair for Natalie, so they both have their own little desks in there. Then I asked Abi to be my maid and she worked hard for over 6 hours. I agreed to pay her $10 an hour. I think I probably got a good deal. I have told her I'd hire her, but she's just not consistent. But I was glad to get her help today, hooray for a day off of school!

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