Monday, March 2, 2020

Family Activity

We read scriptures together and have family prayers most every night. We got in the habit of doing that when we were in Chile years ago, cause that was what the ward down there was emphasizing as the new year rolled around. And we were traveling light, and I didn't have all the clutter and junk from our normal US life to distract me, so there were no excuses and we got that habit down during our 5 months there. So yeah, we're doing good on that. But we do sooo good that we kinda don't do anything different for our Family home evening night - there's not a planned lesson, we rarely sing a hymns, no opening prayer.... But we do treats (which I kinda would like to eliminate..., cause I'm no fun). The Family Home Evening activities have been lacking lately, too. And sometimes it's cause we're busy, but I contribute to the fault. I'm not an eager supporter of kids having fun when they haven't done work yet. But, I get it, it's important. So tonight Corey wanted to do it. He suggested we go to the dollar theater to see Spies in Disguise. He thought it would be an easy activity, admitting "I agree we watch too many movies - but with the range of kids we have...its sort of easy." The older kids weren't thrilled with seeing that movie, little kids were fine with it (aka oblivious). And I was okay with it cause 1) it was not expensive and 2) Corey said I could stay home with Peter and Daniel. (I try to avoid going to the movies with 1 year old children), plus I'd rather practice violin). He was going to get another hour of work done while they watched the movie. So they snuck out while I distracted Daniel. And I started to practice, and then a short 30 minutes later they were all back inside. ??? ...And grabbing shoes and rollerblades. Daniel saw the commotion "I want to come!" Ok, get your socks and shoes. Corey said that the projector was broken and so that movie was cancelled. And there weren't any other kid movies. And Corey had a van full of kids who wanted to do an activity. So they came home for rollerblades and then headed to Classic Skating and Family Fun Center. Who's ready for fun?
So they did laser tag and skating and whatever else. Corey ready to shoot Lily down below...
Abi on the bridge. I am sure it's a lot of fun to play laser tag with Corey. 
So Corey didn't get work done.
 And they didn't just spend a few bucks on a dollar movie.
There was a family discount but it was still a little pricey, oh well. (Stop being so cheap, Tiff!) Look at those smiling faces....
These are good memories.
I'm glad that they go make the memories, and I'm glad to be the official recorder of them.
They did the family fun pack and got pizza and yee-haw, we love having family activities!
 And the house is a mess. But that's ok. We're gonna turn this ship around.
(...give me a few more months)

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