Monday, April 20, 2020

Apple Pie & A Book

Yesterday we watched the Fighting Preacher again. We first watched it in November. Joseph wasn't home way back then and so he hadn't seen it and he had to see it, cause it's a great movie and story. We didn't mind all seeing it again, cause there are some really funny parts. After watching it, Melodie decided she wanted to make an apple pie. So she did!
I have no idea what she used for most of the ingredients or for a pie tin or how she did it. I would not have guessed that we had all the ingredients to make a proper apple pie, but she pulled it off and it was delicious. She used up a lot of my Pink Lady apples, but that's ok.
Ok, so I just asked her - she said used the pie tin from the Costco shepherd's pie we had for dinner, well way to be resourceful, Mel! We wished we had vanilla ice cream to go with it, but I guess the Beans weren't able to serve theirs with ice cream, so we'll do it the old way like them. The movie also inspired me and so I decided to finish reading the book about them, which I started in January. It's called "A Lion and a Lamb" - by Rand Packer (one of their grandsons).
It's the story of Willard Bean and his wife Rebecca, who were called as a couple to go live at the Joseph Smith homestead in Palmyra, New York. Super cool story, they lived there for 24 years and were amazing missionaries and also became such loved members of the Palmyra community. I had bought it for Corey for Christmas. He finished reading it but I hadn't yet. I probably have like 30 books that I've started reading but I don't always finish them all the way through, but I do always keep a pencil near by and mark them up, and I like to keep track of when I start and where I pause, etc, so I know I started this one Jan 27 and only read to page 12. So I started from there yesterday and read a lot and today I am pleased to say that I finished this one! Go me.

Three parts I loved - 1) Rebecca's vision of the Savior, 2) Willard's strong testimony of The Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ restored through those them, and 3) the inspired making of the monument to Moroni.

1) So this past weekend I've been feeling a bit grumpy, short, and mad/irritated at life and the kids (100% because of pms, it's not because of quarantine.) So this part of pages 62-63 was good to read, of how she had been working so hard all day and felt a little sorry for herself for how weary and tired she was as she continued to clean. When she finally went to bed, she was crying on her pillow and had a dream or vision of herself hard at another day of work with another missionary coming to visit them at the Smith farm. She invited him in to eat, they talked, he visited with Elder Talmage. She put her baby to bed then came back and was alone with the young missionary. He thanks her for having him to dinner and then told her how much it meant for him to be there. He told her that he thought that her children were so sweet and well trained and she felt happy about that. (My children are sweet, I hope I can train them well! I can do better) And then as he prepared to leave, she turned away briefly and then as she turned back to him, "It was the Savior who stood before me. He was in His glory and I could not tell you the love and the sweetness that He had in His face and in His eyes. Lovingly He laid his hands on my shoulders, and He looked down into my face with the kindest face that I had ever seen. Then he said tome 'Sister Bean (I inserted my name Tiffanie) this day hasn't been too hard for you has it?' "I said 'Oh no, I have been so happy with my work and everything has gone on so well.' He responded "I promise you, if you will go about your work everyday as you have done this day, you will be equal to it. Now remember that these missionaries (children) represent me on this earth and all that you give unto them you give unto me.' I remember I was crying as we walked into the hall out onto the porch, and He repeated the same thing." And then he started upward and upward until he all at once disappeared. For sister Bean, after that dream, she said "Never again was there any frustration in my life. The great love that I had for the missionaries even then became greater after what the Savior had said to me. How I wish that every missionary that went out into the world could feel that His love and His guidance are only a prayer away.

2) I loved all the answers Willard gave when he became friends with a Methodist Reverend Abraham Silverstein (starting page 67) and later when he was asked to come speak to the Reverend's congregation and he was asked questions by them. What a great testimony, and what a powerful spirit he had with him to be able to answer their questions so wonderfully. That part stars on page 77. Also Willards testimony to Judge Samuel Nelson SAwyer was wonderful, starting at the bottom of page 168

3) The inspired story of Torlief S. Knaphus which begins on page 132. Torlief was a young convert from Norway, who received heavenly direction to draw sketches for a monument to honor Moroni. He was directed which one was the right one and that became the monument to Moroni that is upon the Hill Cumorah. I am really loving all the time to study and discuss the gospel that we have together as a family that this quarantine situation is giving us.
My bad mood started to go away today after a 3 mile walk and a good talk with Nicole. I saw some lovely tiny daffodils.
And flowing trees -
I came home to see these two -
Cute baby hand being a twinner to his father's hand. - "Now remember that these children represent me on this earth and all that you give unto them you give unto me." - a message to me from the Savior through Rebecca's dream.
Cute Wes and Peter asleep today - repeat it again: "Now remember that these children represent me on this earth and all that you give unto them you give unto me." - My Savior
Peter's being a bit high maintenance lately and has made it clear he is not going to be weaned willingly or put to bed on his own without a fight. I'm grateful when the kids help me with him. If Wes does end up getting bad grades this term, I think Peter is going to be partly to blame, he always wants Wes and interrupts him when he's doing homework. And I let Peter do it (sorry Wes!) I hope I can learn to serve them better: cheerfully and with all my heart and without frustration or being weary. Suffer the little ones to come unto me and interrupt my thoughts and all my "o so important" tasks. It will be okay, everything I do for them, I do for Christ.

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