Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Toys and Superheroes

I ran a few more errands today. I went by Deseret Book to get a book for Wes. And then I went by Target to get a few things. I went by the toy isle and spent too much time looking around. The girls have been begging me to get some action figure dolls for the boys so that they won't try to use their girl dolls. But I decided against it and headed home. Then I decided I should have probably gotten an action figure or two, so I stopped at Walmart real quick and ended up buying 5 (Iron Man, Spiderman, Black Panther, Batman, and Captain America). I should stay away from the toy isle. So at Target, I couldn't decide which dolls to get, so instead I got some tiny trucks and cars. I gave them to the boys when I got home.
Lots of tiny cars.
They liked them and played in the dirt - making a little road.
It didn't work well in the dirt, so they eventually came inside. The big sisters liked playing with the road and cars too.
Peter stayed outside. He ate dirt.
Yummy rocks!
Abi came out and showed me a package that she got in the mail from Texas. A hat and cute apron from Portugal, some chocolates, and lots of letters from her cute little cousins.
The kids went on the trampoline, then came in to let me know that the purple ball popped on the pine needles. And they salvaged the rubber ball pieces to make super hero masks!
Can you tell that they feel incredibly awesome?
I think all of these pictures of Daniel and Owen are cute and hilarious.
Daniel's little face cracks me up! And I like Owen's tiny mask.
Superheroes! Cute boys. So, at Walmart, they had a larger variety of dolls than Target did. I ended up getting 5. Maybe I'll be able to save the action figure dolls for a while though since O and D are the action figures!
Natalie helped D fix his mask. And Sophi got a little hair trim today.
She wanted it really short, but we are getting family pictures taken next week, and Sophi had her hair above her shoulders last time, and I didn't think she should have it the same, so we kept it mostly long. I think it turned out good. I like being able to get out to run errands and to come home with fun things for the kids.

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