Saturday, April 11, 2020

Easter Saturday

I went on a walk this morning. It is a beautiful day-before-Easter Saturday. The only sad thing about all these lovely spring flowers is their short life. I wish tulips and daffodils lasted through summer.
I'm totally bummed that all the venues at Thanksgiving Point are temporarily closed cause of Coronavirus! That means no Tulip Festival this year, and I was really looking forward too it. So sad.
Flowers represent new life and also to bring lovely smells to the earth. I learned recently that in early times, fragrant funeral flowers were placed on and around the casket of the deceased to perfume the area and ward off the smell of the decaying body.
That seems also an appropriate thing for today as the Savior's body lay in the tomb. Tomorrow he we will celebrate his resurrection!
After my walk, I went inside and hollered to Natalie to let her know of the note that was on our front door -
Another Easter Egg Hunt delivered by the primary! This time it was her teachers, Sister Anne and Sister Holly.
Natalie found all 16 eggs.
She came right inside and shared an egg with all of her siblings, which is a lot when you've got 11 of them. She gave me a treat too (I'm saving it to give back to her later). And she shared with everyone before she even had enjoyed one yet.
She's still our sweet trick or treater. Our ministering sister Joanna came by today with an easter treat and some hand me down clothes from her husband which Joseph was very grateful for. He kept all the shirts except the U of U one, haha. I passed out the robin eggs to all the kids and gave Natalie an extra helping cause she shared her treats with everyone.

During my walk, I noticed a house with water turned on in their backyard and flooding out into the gutter. (I hope her basement was ok). When I came home, our sprinkler boxes were flooded too and the grass. The front yard is at a slant, so it was ok and it all was running into the gutter. I thought that this was probably because the irrigation water was turned on. While playing in the back yard, the kids came running in telling us with great alarm it was starting to flood by the swingset. Our neighbors, who we rent from, were getting flooded in their backyard which is over the fence from us, so we were all out and trying to fix the problem, and it was great to see people! We aren't alone in this world, we have friends! We stood in a circle a safe distance apart and talked about covid-19 and the effect on their business and Corey's employment (he was told Wednesday that Friday would be his last day, so he's looking for work, prayers appreciated) and talked about how our missionaries are adjusting to being home. The conversation location changed to the back fence and I came inside and called for Joseph to go out and say hi to their missionary Brox. He was only out for 7 months so he will be reassigned, hopefully soon, unlike Joseph who was released. After we were all done fixing the sprinklers and visiting, we went back inside to continue with our day, but Brox and Joseph stayed out talking for over an hour. It was cute to see them.
One good thing about all the missionaries coming home is that they have each other for support. Joseph's bff Talmage just finished his 2 week isolation yesterday. Joseph will be done tomorrow. That wasn't so bad. Maybe Joseph can go on a walk with me now! I think J has a job lined up. Corey already has already cast out a few lines and had a few interviews yesterday, so we still did our Costco run for date night. Corey was too busy for date night last night so we did it today. We went to the dry cleaner, UPS to ship Corey's work computer back to San Francisco, and then we went by my sister's house and picked up some scooters and bikes that she said her kids had outgrown. Then to Murray and by Summerhays first - I needed to buy an A string for Sophi, her's broke on Thursday. I got a new set of strings for her and Natalie and two for my two violins, cause I bet they are old strings. Then to Coscto in Murray, but they didn't have the computer Corey wanted, but they did have it in Sandy, so we left and went to that Costco to stand in line again. Just like standing in line at Disneyland. Thankfully we didn't spend $1200 this time, just $700. I know it looks like we're hording stuff, and with two carts again, we were hoarding a bit. But, we do have 12 children at home...
(We do our shopping on the weekend though) I guess if we were smart we should do Tuesday, it's probably less busy. And if a family of 6 gets that much each week, I guess it is okay that we had two carts full. We got lots of honey and strawberry jam, bread, clementines, ceasar salads, potatoes and other stuff. We rearranged the pantries today and have the locked one in the kitchen now just for food. And the big pantry that we put the broom in didn't latch closed well so it was kinda always left unlocked anyways. So Corey moved that keylock up to the hall closet that is closes to our room and we're going to put stuff in there that we don't want the kids to have free reign too - like scotch tape! I will finally be able to buy tape and always know where I can find some! So I'm excited for that. We are putting batteries and flashlights in there, and the Nerf guns (those were previously in the kitchen pantry but now we're using the locked kitchen pantry just for food.) Corey and I cleaned out the hall closet text heart ♥together♥! And it was lovely (my love language is quality time). We're going to clean in the basement together ...but not until the DI opens up (I'm also sad that they're closed). I've already got a big pile to give away and since I can't take donate it yet, my motivation is a little gone.

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