Friday, April 10, 2020

Peter In the Dirt

Yesterday was the first time I let Peter come get dirty in the backyard.
He really likes the dirt.
He just likes to pick it up, and then let it all slide out of his grasp, like sand in an hour glass.
Yesterday and today, Abi and I dug out the little stone pathway that goes under the tree and by the kitchen bay window. There were big stones, and then lots of little stones that over the years have been buried under grass and dirt. Actually I didn't even know there were small stones there when we moved in until after a few years when I dug them out. But it took forever, so I only did half of the small pathway (like 6 feet). Yesterday Abi started digging just cause, and I went out to help today and we finished the remaining 6 feet! Peter sat in the dirt next to us and he even copied what we were doing and helped pick out the rocks. There were a lot, it seemed like I was harvesting potatoes.
So we dug them all out and hauled them to the van and then took them over to my mom's house. My parents are redoing their front yard, and they have a little patch by the mailbox that they are just putting rocks over, so we donated our rocks to that. A few weeks ago, as they were leveling out the dirt and stuff, she had Wes and Lily come over and pick out the rocks to save for by the mailbox. They earned a little bit of money doing that and my mom got rocks. We were happy to donate to their pile. So there have been lots of baths and washing of toddler clothes. Peter enjoyed wandering around the yard. I need to find the old hand-me-down shoes for him in storage, I am sure I kept them but I can't find them.
The toddlers emptied a bottle of almond milk into their water table. Peter behind them sitting in the dirt.
Later this evening, Peter was playing with the ball with Natalie - she was making faces at him through the netting and he did his obligatory fake laugh for her. 
She was acting like she was a wild animal caught in a trap. 
Then more baths and changing of clothes, then to bed.
Things are good, the kids are doing well enough with school work and music. Corey was told Wednesday that his last day at work would be today. So that's kinda a bummer, but we saw it coming. He is a software consultant and the contract was until July, but due to Covid concerns they had to cut it off. Sooo, yeah. We're praying he finds work quickly. He's still working to get in as many hours as he can, and we'll go on a date tomorrow. Interesting times we're living in.

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