Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Dinner Guests

I was reminded today at Costco that I am very happy that it is June, cause that means - it's PEACH time!! I saw them and I cheered - I had forgotten that summer is juicy peach season.
I bought 5 boxes and we are going to feast on peaches this week. We also had a fun feast tonight with Iveth and her kids who came over for dinner with a friend of their, their Catholic priest, Father David.
He's from Las Vegas and I think he's going to be moving up here. Corey asks Iveth a lot of questions about Catholocism history and doctrine, and usually she doesn't have answers to satisfy Corey, so she said maybe the priest would be able to answer his questions better. So have a Catholic Priest in our home was a first and it was really fun. Corey quiet enjoyed the very interesting visit and he also finds the situation fascinating. It's like his version of tv drama, since we don't watch tv. So Iveth and Diego have been driving down to Las Vegas every Sunday to attend Mass, cause it's closed everywhere else because of Covid-19. We really admire their dedication! They went up to Boise for Latin mass two times, but then that closed, so then they started going to Las Vegas, but now that just barely got closed down but Father David wanted to keep holding mass, and so he's basically kicked out cause he wasn't obeying the church's orders. So now he's an independent Catholic priest and I think he's looking to relocate to up here. something like that. I was a nice dinner, I think, and a fun conversation, and yeah, we'll see how that goes. I think he's been staying in their house but didn't have a bed, so we gave them the full mattress we had downstairs. Corey helped take it over to their house, and the kitchen island, the former place for birthday cakes, is now an altar. You can see Father David on the right there.
He was very nice, and it was great to see Iveth and her kids, and yeah, it's a pretty interesting situation! So we'll see how that goes for all of them and it was a memorable day for us too!

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