Friday, June 5, 2020

Hockey In the Circle

Summer is here. Corey and Wes put together a street hockey game last night. One neighbor/dad was born and raised in Alaska and takes hockey very seriously. Corey and Wes lost to him, but they said just barely. They're looking forward to a roller hockey summer.
Did I tell you that, at our hockey game as a family on Monday, I was goalie and Corey hit the ball and it got me hard on the inside of my right shin. It's a nice big hockey ball sized bruise, just like the good ol' days when Corey and I used to play hockey at the Baptist church and at the Skyline parking lot. I went by there (Skyline parking lot) on Tuesday to turn in Ethan's cap and gown. They had it all organized and alphabetized by last name initial...
I was going to just pick up Ethan's yearbook, I thought, but they gave me Hyrum's and Wesley's too. Sweet, I just saved us a trip. And then they told me I'd have to set up an appointment and come back tomorrow to pick up Ethan's diploma, but "maybe you can call and they'll let you pick it up now..." So I parked and started to walk in and called Skyline as I walked to the doors. They were all locked. The lady on the phone told me I'd have to come back tomorrow after they get the list of everyone who turned in their cap and gown. So I was about to walk away, when I saw a teacher walking in. I really don't want to come back tomorrow... Maybe she can get me into the building.... I approached her "Do you think I can get my son's diploma?" I showed her the yearbook, as proof that he had turned in everything and was good to go. "Oh sure! Yeah follow me" and she took me to the office. I think she took me to a different lady than the one I had just talked to over the phone, and I pretended that I hadn't just been told "no" by anyone, I showed her the yearbook, and she gave me his diploma! Yay, just saved us another trip! Yeehaw. Today was a nice warm day and tomorrow is going to be hot... in the 90s! The roses are blooming.
A few other documentation notes for myself. Yesterday I drove up to Layton to pick up a used dryer, cause ours is broken, aka it won't start when you press "start". It's probably a good thing, cause for a while the dryer has had an issue of not turning off when it is done, it just keeps going and going for hours unless we set a timer on the phone to turn it off. And we've forgotten to set the timer several times, so I think it was a very possible fire hazard, so it's a good thing it just stopped working since I didn't have sense enough to get it fixed or stop using it. After getting that in Layton, I went by Scheels to get another hockey goal for Wes' game. He actually had arranged a friend get together to pay hockey, but only two people came, so we were glad they were able to get a pick up game tonight. But since it was a busy evening with kid activities and such, we didn't have a sit down dinner, and with that our 10 day streak comes to a close. It was a good run and we'll keep having sit down dinners, but when life starts up again, there's a good chance it will sometimes be YOYO dinners or standing pizza dinners.  During my drive to Layton, I listened to two more episodes of Jody Moore's podcast Roadmap. I got through 4 and 5 and am excited for the rest. They have all been so good to listen to, I have found myself doing a lot better at supervising my thoughts and I'm feeling quite content and pleased with life and with myself. Good stuff, give her a listen!

1 - Five Lies About How the World Works
2 - The Human Void
3 - Feelings First
4 - Circumstances are Neutral
5 - Mirroring Emotions
6 - Your Relationship With Your Life
7 - Compassion vs. Self Pity
8 - Empowering Thoughts

A few more items from the daily log: Today was Iveth's birthday, and we took her a little gift (flowers and chocolates). Hyrum and Wes helped me put in the new dryer and take the old one down to the basement. Corey and HWALSNO all went to Pineview Reservoir tonight to camp with his brother. I am here with Daniel and Peter and am hardly getting a thing done. But better here than up there, I don't want to camp with Peter. I don't even like sleeping with him here. These toddlers, they don't like me to achieve goals or complete tasks! It was good mental preview of how the school year will go when I'm left home with these two. I did make a face mask out of a shirt the little girls didn't want anymore. The shoulders were like sewn perfectly to form fit over a chin and nose! Here I am showing off my craftiness to my sisters
So I did get that one thing done. Now it's 10:00 and Mel is heading up to Pineview. I would go, but I don't want to sleep in a tent with Peter. I hardly like sleeping with him here.

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