Saturday, June 6, 2020


Corey went camping last night with a van full of kids. They went up to Pineview Reservoir with his parents and siblings. His brother Mark arranged it all and fed everyone too. Mark has made camping arrangements for every weekend this summer, and we'll see how many of them we can join. The kids had a great time.
I stayed home with Daniel and Peter, mostly cause of Peter. I will camp and go to Park City when all my babies and toddlers are older than 3. Until then, it's just hard, and I'm getting old and I don't have the fight in me anymore. I kinda thought I'd be able to get stuff done and to blog, but that didn't happen as these two didn't want to let me out of their sight. But as I shared yesterday, I did made two face masks for Corey and I to use on our Costco trips. Cute, matching homemade face masks.

I'm really grateful that Corey takes the kids on trips like these. I kinda wish I went, we'll see if I make it on a trip this year. I did do Moab in 2017, and that was only possible cause I only took Owen, and Corey stayed home with baby Daniel. And even without the youngest kid at home on that trip, I was still woken up at 3 with a kid who pooped their pants. It's just a bit exhausting, and I cope best if I have about a week of mental prep. So I have gone sometimes, but yeah, with such a big family there's usually other commitments and one parent usually has to stay for that, and it helps if they keep as many of the young children as possible. So that was my role this weekend: stay home with the little kids. The older group had fun though.
Wes helping with breakfast, flipping pancakes. 
Corey and MHSNO left to come home around 2:30. Lily stayed a bit longer and came home with Nancy. Corey just went to pick her up at 9pm. Abi and Wes stayed up another night and we'll see them tomorrow. It's been raining a lot though, I hope they are ok!

Corey does so much with these kids. And a lot of it does not get recorded here...
I don't know that date of that one, but it was this spring,
Corey has taken the kids up on hikes in the mountains a few times.
He's also taken a lot of them bike riding in the mountains a few times last month, since he got a bike. He takes Wesley skating, just went up to the U on May 30th, the first day of the riots
On their most recent bike ride outing, he met up with our friends Iveth and Diego and kids, we got a kick out of Daniel who rushed to Maria and held her hand. He's moving in on Owen's girl!
There's a whole 'nother blog that could be written about our family's life from Corey's point of view and with pictures that he takes. Sometimes I get on his phone and send myself a few of Corey's pictures.... like of Daniel working in Corey's office.
But I want to do better and telling what Corey does with the kids, cause that is where most of the fun happens. He's a pretty amazing father.

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