Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Third Toe Operation

While Ethan was out selling pest control in California, his ingrown toe nail returned. ...for the third time! We naively thought his toe trials were over in Apr 2018, but it came back in Aug 2019 (last pic). So for him to have it come back again is just sad for him. He thinks his toe has a death wish... "Just amputate me!" He was pretty sad to have his toenail look so thin after that second surgery, so it's even thinner now and won't quite match his other foot, but hopefully his future wife will not have high standards regarding toenail shape. Ethan took a video of the surgery, in case any of our future family historians want to go look for that in Ethan's files. He drove himself there to his appointment and back, and was fine most of the day. He started to feel the pain tonight. "Why me?!"
We've all got our trials, Eth. This is just your toe's cross to bear. And here's hoping that it won't come back during the two years of his mission! That might be pushing our luck since he's had it ingrown 3x in the past two years, but hopefully the next two years will be more kind than the past two.

Here's our daily documentary of Peter. The babies get the most documentation here. This morning he was grumpy, as usual. I did get a recording of his sound though! When we all talk to him, this is usually his answer to any of our questions, demonstrated here: "Mn Hm". I wasn't sure if that typing of it would make it clear for future posterity or historians what this sound was, so yay for this recording of our little Peter and his trademark sound. Now we can always remember it.

He get's less grumpy as the morning passes. Here he is playing with his toys, little smile.
Then he made this new facial expression that I hadn't seen him make before -
Peter! What is that face? Are you surprised?
Or perhaps he just had a stroke of genius? That must be what Lily took it for, cause she made this on my phone:
Cute. In other news, Corey's had an interesting day. He came home from work early so he could take Father David up to Park City. Corey booked it for him and offered it so he'd have a place to stay for the week besides the 2 bedroom basement apartment with a Latino family of 5. Corey thought he was giving him a ride up and that they'd have a chance to visit about religion, but when he went to pick him up, Father D said "So I'll follow you?" Turns out he has a car. We didn't know that, I guess we don't know a lot about Catholic priests. But since Iveth and Diego have given him a ride up to SL when he's come, we thought he didn't have one. so anyway, that was kinda a waste of time for Corey, but he was glad he had invited Mel, so they had a nice visit. Corey dropped Mel so she could change the sheets and clean up the room (cause Corey and kids had stayed up there Sunday night). Corey was going to give Father David a little tour of Park City, but like 15 minutes into the drive Father D kinda cut it short by saying he had to hurry back, he still had a lot of prayers to get through tonight. So they went back to the Westgate, luckily Mel finished just in time (the sheets in the dryer hadn't been started, but the hotel brought up a new set for her to put on) Corey and Father D were able to talk a little on that drive around Park City and Corey learned that our neighborhood friend Brian, who likes to take out people's trash and ask for free buttom up shirts (to put on his bike trailer, he likes how they blow in the wind) probably took Father D's coat when Father D was doing laps around the LDS church as he recited some of his prayers. Brian stopped by on his bike ride was taking a bathroom stop by the pavilion and saw the coat and most likely took it. Corey tried to find out if Brian did, but he and his dad say he didn't and that Brian always gets accused of taking things. Father D is absolutely positive it was him and seemed upset. So, that was too bad. And then Corey and Mel started to drive back from Park City after going to eat and laugh at how the evenign didn't go as planned. Then after they got home, Corey checked in with Father D is the room was ok, and Father D was back with Iveth and Diego. He couldn't stay in the Westgate room cause of mold. So, that was a lot of work for nothing. But Corey and the kids can go up there again now, I guess? Kinda funny. It's our version of sitcom television drama.

Another cute moment from tonight - Natalie helping Daniel take a solemn oath, and Daniel played along not knowing what was going on... "I Daniel..." "I Daniel..." "Will not play with Lily's lego dragons" "Will not play with lego dragons" "or Natalie's barbies...." "Or Natalie's barbies" Yeah, he definitely didn't know what he was committing to or else he would not have agreed, since I know he's gonna break that oath pronto, so it was funny.
They administered several oaths to him, He also tried to take the oath as he held his hand at his head in a salute, cute kids. Goodnight.

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