Thursday, July 2, 2020

Toddler Trumpeteer

It was a good day at home. I cleaned, blogged, Corey took kids up to Park City last night (EALSNOD) and they all slept up there in a 4 person room. (That probably wasn't a good nights rest for the adults.) I had a fairly calm morning here and I cleaned, blogged, and MHW slept in until 11. Corey and the kids spent the morning up in PC. They came back this afternoon and then it was Hyrum and Wes's turn to go have fun. Mel took H and W up to Uncle Mark's so they could head out camping with him and their cousins to Pineview. Poor Mel had to come back for work. After a day of fun for ALSN and before heading out for for fun for HW, they all had to show their gratitude by practicing their music. Even Owen got out the old trumpet to practice.
We were listening to the Greatest Showman in my room, and this was the cutest thing listening to Owen play along! He did really good! Way to play by ear, buddy!

Later in the afternoon, I let those that had practiced watch a Disney movie. I had been busy helping kids and hadn't put Peter down for a nap. It was cute to see him asleep on the floor - 
Time to turn off the tv and get ready to go - you guys ready to go swimming in Park City!?!
Peter's sweet feet, I love his baby toes.
Tomorrow Corey and a van full of kids are going to go join Mark and HW and go boating at Pineview. I'll be staying home with Peter. And also I have to stay cause I have to take Ethan to get his wisdom teeth out in the morning and then nurse him back to health. Toe surgery done, then wisdom teeth, and he'll be good to go. He probably still has to get shoes and things but he's ready to head out on the mission in like 11 days!

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