Tuesday, July 28, 2020

All Together Again

Joseph is here! He arrived safely last night, and it's great having all the kids together again! This is a rare treat that we'll only have for a few more chances until Ethan leaves for Missouri, so we need to take a picture, say cheese~
This was taken in the morning, but it looks like nighttime. That's cause we closed the blackout curtains to block the sunlight outside. My sister saw this picture on facebook and said that Ethan made her want to sing "One of these things is not like the others... one of these things doesn't belong..." Yes, it's the missionary in the white dress shirt and tie, while everyone else is in shorts and barefoot or in sandals. No swimming for Ethan, so sad. No, he's good, he's enjoying the MTC and we're glad he's up here with us. So the kids did crafts this morning with grandma, then a little bit of Sponge Bob and swimming.
I dropped off Corey and Mel and Wes up the hill a bit (by the Montage, wow!) but they didn't know what they were doing, only that they wanted to go down hill, but it wasn't a biking trail and it was too steep and Mel crashed right away (her bike was also too big for her) and so I didn't head back to the hotel after dropping them off, since it appeared they were not moving on life 360, so I just waited ans sure enough they called and I came back for Mel who was cut and bleeding and didn't think she'd survive on that bike. Wes and Corey had an adventure after that and were speeding down hill and fishtailing and I'm glad Corey's experiencing the learning curve for mountain biking, and after he's figured out all the hard parts, then I'll come biking too, ha. It was a rough first ride, and Corey couldn't let it end as a bad experience, so before coming back to the room, they went to main street and had some ice cream. Wes was amazed at Park City main street. "This is like Newport! I never knew this was here!" Yeah, Park City isn't the Marriott, it's actually a little tourist spot! And we are finally tapping into that this year by mountain biking. Good job Corey, at making that happen. This will be the beginning of a new set of family experiences and traditions for the second half of our kids. The first half got Brazil, Costa Rica, and Chile, and Brazil again. These next 6 kids will be able to have good experiences too, a little more "normal" I guess, with biking and, I don't know, maybe we'll put them in sports or something. And Peter was being cute tonight playing by the automatic doors, it was funny.
He's so little.

He enjoying the automatic hand sanitizing stations everywhere. Part of the new normal for the world.

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