Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Play, Bike, Swim

Another day at Park City. Hyrum and Natalie both threw up this morning, but they threw up before they ate anything, so it was just gagging, and then they felt a little better. Hyrum stayed in the room most of the day resting (watching Jurassic Park). Natalie played. I hope the little kids don't get sick, they are not as good at handling it as the older kids. Other than that, today started as most do - with several hours of Sponge Bob. I got this cute pic of Peter! He is so good at saying "cheese" when he sees me pointing my phone at him.
He is such a cutie! He discovered the Marriott sink today, and was pleased with this new found power to turn on the water from his high place on the table.
He turned it on and off with such power and intention, like he was driving a stick shift in a car race. He's a cute little man. Corey took some kids swimming, I stayed in the room and got lunch ready. Then I taught some of the kids how to play Skip Bo.
Peter played with us by making it harder by throwing cards on the floor. It's cause he thought we wanted to play AP Skip Bo. Oh Peter, you tricky boy!
The kids went swimming, I went out to watch, Peter practicing his grin out there - taking selfies with me as we watched kids swim.
Then he and I went swimming too, that's my second time swimming up here, yeah go me! Although I wish the pool was open when it was more shady. It's hours are 11 - 7, so it's full sun the whole time, and I try to avoid direct sunlight, hence why Peter and I were chilling under the umbrella. Corey took the kids biking again - he knew a little better what he was doing and where he was going, and had his dad drop them off somewhere. Corey and Joe, Mel, Wes, and Seth. They were taking a long time, but Corey texted that they were thirsty, so we went to the bottom of the hill to wait for them with a pitcher of ice water. After 25 minutes, here they come!! I see some little dots of people on bikes.
Wes and Joseph were the first two down. "THANK YOU! WATER!!!"
Next was Mel - phew! She made it!
It was a high of 85 today in Park City, a hot day for biking, It's going to be in the 90s the rest of the week. I didn't see Corey and Seth arrive at the end of the trail, cause I had to hurry in and finish making dinner, cause tonight was our night. We had meat lasagna, veggie lasagna, ceasar salad, Mediterranean salad, and rolls. Good job me. I have kept on top of meals and dishes up here this whole week! Oatmeal for breakfast, sandwiches and veggies and apples for lunch, and then we all take turns doing dinner. After dinner, I had brought up a little thing to do a hand print collage for Corey's parents (if we like how it turns out...)
We'll see. I got most of us tonight but I'm still missing a few hands. It hasn't been bad getting the kids to bed here. Mel, Lily, Soph and Natalie are over in the lock off in Corey's parents room. Hyrum and Wes are here in the lock off next to our room, and have been very helpful since they are sharing the room with Owen and Daniel. Ethan and Joseph are in the lock off with Mark and his boys. Tonight it was cute to see Joseph, Mel, Ethan, and Hyrum playing 5000 with Corey's mom. Hyrum was feeling better.
"Don't roll again! Don't do it Grandma!!"

They say that and then they loose when she gets a straight. Funny! It's great to have these moments to make memories together.

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