Monday, July 27, 2020

Owen is 5!

Today is Owen's Happy Birthday! Finally! It was a long time waiting for this one, but at last Owen is 5 years old! And he is so excited to be old enough to go to school! He opened one present this morning - an Iron Man action figure.
And Corey's parents gave him some presents of toys and clothes. Then the kids did crafts with grandma and then we made a reservation to go swimming. Their first attempt at social distancing in the pool. I guess we did ok at it? 
Peter and I went swimming today too.
Then I went to the store to buy a cake mix and ice cream. I got Owen some Red Button Animal Cookie ice cream, and he wanted a "red guy" cake. He likes the "red guy" from Star Wars (see the last pictures at that link), that was his favorite toy from Christmas. So a few weeks ago I found some generic non-Lego brand First Order Red Sith Jet Trooper guys on ebay, and I got 20 of these babies and a Darth Vader for $20 bucks, baby!! Oh yeah! And they just came last week! And with that, I was ready to make his dreams come true with a "red guy" cake!
Did your mom deliver? Or did Your Mom DELIVER!
Yeah, he was happy with it.
He was impressed. We invited everyone over to sing to him. Singing Happy Birthday to Owen.
It took him seven tries to get all the candles blown out, funny!
We didn't worry about corona this time, cause we're up here in Summit County, so we're kinda asking for it. Elder Wride came over from his MTC class for some cake and ice cream.
Peter front and center on the table. It was pretty fun for Owen to be able to share his birthday party up at Park City with all his cousins.
Then I practiced violin and brought ODP home with me to grab a few things (we forgot rice milk) and some other things for a little bit and we're waiting here before we to pick up Joseph in Provo. Joseph is arriving at 9:20. We'll leave in a bit to go get him. I brought ODP so that Corey and the kids could do "big kid" stuff without these little guys slowing them down. I was able to bribe them with fries and a frosty
Cute kids. They are simple little people.
It was a good day up there, and I didn't go crazy, I'm packed for and hoping to make it through the whole week.

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