Monday, July 6, 2020

Anzack Again

We had a family gathering at Anzak park again tonight, cause Grant was back from Idaho and is heading out to Southern Utah, so one last chance to get together, yay! We played more ultimate frisbee and Spikeball.
I don't know if any of us are getting good. I don't think we even know the official rules. But it's still fun.
We had a smaller crowd this time, Dad came for a little bit but Mom had to get stuff done, Beka came this time. The kids played at the far playground at Ridgecrest, my old stomping ground. The soccer game wasn't as epic this time I hear, I missed it cause I was on playground toddler duty. After we adults tried to visit, then the toddlers got impatient. Peter ready to head out, waiting in shotgun.
Mel chasing Abi with a bug.
Come on girls, let the bug leave and go live his life
Poor beetle
A few pictures of our lovely baby... Taco 'bout CUTE! Eating a cherry like a tiny apple.
Pretty Peter partaking of plump peaches
Cute, using a fork.
I usually struggle which picture to post of the 5 I take that all kinda look the same but are a little different.... he's just so cute in all of them.

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