Saturday, July 4, 2020

I Love This Land

H and W slept up at Pineview on Thursday night. Yesterday, Corey headed up with MASNOD. He came home last night with HNOD, but MWAS stayed up there. I went to pick them up MWAS this afternoon and I took NODP with me. I called when I left around noon and told the kids to try and be packed up and ready to go, but they weren't. I got there shortly around 1:20. Pineview is a nice place, we live in a beautiful state and country. There were lots of people out camping or spending the day at the reservoir, good for them. Even with a worldwide pandemic going on, the world is a beautiful place and life is full of blessings. It was such a pretty drive up along the Weber river and past Huntsville. Life is good. We all got out and Mark made lunch - sandwiches, a few hotdogs, and MnM's. View of the table facing North - that's our tent, the kids are going to pack up then we'll take that down.
Looking to the East - 
facing south -
Facing West.
After I took those pics for documenting here, I helped them kick it in gear. It didn't take too long to pack up and we were on our way shortly after 2, which was good, cause Mel worked at 4 and wanted to shower before. Back at home, we had ice cream drumsticks to celebrate the 4th. 
Ethan's recovery is going great, his cheeks haven't swollen up at all! He's been keeping them iced big time, good job Eth. He also has eaten solid foods already and is chewing, so hopefully he doesn't mess things up for his teeth's holes. Ethan and Hyrum played Battlefront most of the day as E continued his recovery. Corey took SNOD up to Park City again, We talked about being busy and what can help us get things done that we'd like to get done and how we can reach our goals. We might write up a new Nazarite vow. So, they left, and I played with Peter in the backyard.
We sat on the grass underneath a play structure thing, the one we use to get on the trampoline. Peter's cute. 
He can walk right under the trampoline without bending over or hitting his head. 
I also spent a fair amount of time killing our pesty bugs. I got on the roof, spraying them everywhere. Yesterday I found what I thought was their main colony, in the big log post beam in the front yard that attaches to the house. It had some big cracks in it and I sprayed and sprayed in there and they all ran out to their deaths.

The windows are covered with Raid and I'll be getting up there to wash the windows later, after I give the spray a few days to hopefully fend off the pests. I googled a lot today and I think I found the bug that it is! It's not the squash bug like I thought last week, I am pretty sure it's the Elm Seed bug. Stupid bugs.
Mel worked until 9 and then came home to get people to come with her to Provo to see fireworks at Lavell Edward's stadium.
So they were the official fireworks representatives for our family.  
Wes can't take a serious photo.
Listened to this BYU Devotional talk by David McCullough. One of my favorite stories from that book and of the Revolution is of the retreat from Brooklyn on August 29th, where there was the miracle of the wind and fog that saved the American cause. Pretty amazing. I'm so thankful and humbled to be an American. "There ain't no doubt I love this land. God bless the USA."

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