Thursday, July 23, 2020

Early Date Night

We had a very nice feast tonight for date night. Sorry I cut off your face sweetheart.
We love India House. The past few months we've been getting three dishes instead of just two, and today we upped the dining experience again with two orders of Peswhari Naan cause we were hungry and we had the wiggle room in the budget. We had leftovers for breakfast tomorrow if we can keep the teenage boys away from it. We went on a very early date at 5 and we were the first customers of the evening. I guess that makes it a date "evening", not a date night. They hadn't even started the Carnatic ambiance music when we got there. I think we'll go that early again. We also went out "early" as in Thursday instead of Friday, because tomorrow Corey is taking some of the kids backpacking or something like that up in the Uintahs. Should be fun for them. Someday I'll camp, once the baby roommates are all gone, but for now I'm happy to stay at home with them. Speaking of baby roommates, this Jim Gaffigan "Babies are magic" is so great. Skunk smell.... "I miss my baby!" We listened to Gaffigan on drive to the restaurant. I had sent Corey his Ketchup sketch for us to listen to, we also laughed at this one on Kale. I sometimes send him videos for us to listen to together, but usually he's in the mood for something light and humorous. So no Jody Moore today, but I did listen to that one last week on my drive topick him up. He and I need to listen to Jody Moore Successful Parenting together, that was good. Also on the way to eat, we saw a billboard that said "It's time to talk about Alzheimers" so I said repeated that to him outloud, and I started a Neal Barnard Ted talk about Alzheimers (listen to that one too, it's important!) but we only got in a few minutes and then it was back to Gaffigan. This one had us almost crying with laughter - "My dad, always making time for me, squeezing me into his errands, what a guy!" Very funny.

It's been a pretty chill pandemic week for us here at home. I did kinda fix our back deck screen on Wednesday. Tada! It looks better.
I don't think Corey's noticed yet. It's been broken for a long while but we never use that little deck so there was no rush to put it back together. I finally decided to do something about it today cause it was a bit windy last night and it blew it apart more than usual.
I also ran errands today, which felt like my first time for a while cause Corey likes to go. I was gone for a few hours doing that and then we left for our dinner date shortly after I got home. We were out of ricemilk so I went to the Costco downtown and now we're stocked up and should be good for abut 6 weeks maybe! I do like that with rice milk you don't need space in the refrigerator to stock up. Our current meals are: protein shake with raspberries and spinach for breakfast (HWAP all like my shakes) and everyone's enjoying rice and sugar again cause they are all sick of my steel cut oatmeal, so rice it is. We haven't had rice and sugar frequently since Brazil in 2015, so it's bringing back some fond memories for them, funny. Chao

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