Saturday, July 25, 2020

Uintahs and at Home

Corey and MHWA went camping yesterday. We'll see if they have any pictures for me when they get back. They were going to go fishing and backpacking in the Uintah's I think. I'm home with LSNODP. I stayed up way too late last night but feel fine today. I stayed up late studying Book of Mormon lands while I waited for Peter to stop crying in the closet. I'm trying to wean that baby a little bit, but he's so cute, I give in if I'm in there, hence why I had to hide.
Here's a cute video of him from Thursday night.
His little foot stomping thing is so funny, when he's trying to jump, but doesn't have the ability to do two feet off the ground, so instead he's stomping one foot very forcefully like a fiddler prepping the folks for some serious square dancing. We also love his "sticking out my belly" walk, that is a creation he came up with on his own, super funny.

Last night I put my little Peter to bed and then helped kids brush and floss, hoping he'd cry it out while I wasn't in there. But when we were done, P was still crying. So I had to give in to him or leave... I decided to grab a few books and had fun reading and blogging a little.
At 1:00 am I thought I should be sensible and go to bed. I went in and he was quiet. That's good, but the final test awaited... I opened the closet and snifffed, aaaaand he did it again, his final line of defense. He pooped. Sigh, that darn poop trick. So I got him out and of course he woke up as soon as I touched him. I changed his diaper, and then put him in the crib to start the process again. I stayed up until 2:30. It's been a good day though and I've felt fine even though I stayed up late. I need to get some resolve to wean this little boy though. I was pleased on Thursday morning though, when I woke up and was surprised to find that I was still in my own bed and not on the floor with him. Maybe he can figure this out, maybe there is some hope for us. Other that Peter training, today we had a nice day. Lily, Sophi, and Natalie all practiced their instruments today before noon so that was good! They are looking forward to going to Park City tomorrow for our annual week in the mountains with Corey's family.

... 4 hours later...

Corey and the kids are back safe. Here are a few pictures Mel shared with me.
 She enjoys flowers like I do.
Corey watching the kids, trying to keep the sun off his head.
That's a cute bonnet.
They went fishing, and I guess cliff jumping too.

They've showered and started laundry. Then Corey took ALL of them over to his parents house for fireworks, and I said I'd stay home and pick up a little bit since I didn't get much cleaning done today. I'm going to go clean more and listen to Come Follow Me stuff. I want to flood my life with the words of Christ found in the scriptures. One of our prophets, President Benson, told members of the church to flood the earth with the Book of Mormon. I once had the thought that if we want a flood to go throughout the earth, we better first be having a flood of the Book of Mormon in our personal life. So that's what I'm aiming for. I also liked something my little sister Patrice shared recently, an insight pointed out to her by Elder Halverson (Unshaken video minute 34:20 - another Come Follow Me lesson to add to my list!) - The great question they had from Alma 34:5: "And we have beheld that the great question which is in your minds is whether the word be in the Son of God, or whether there shall be no Christ." Bro Halverson "That's what the whole experiment was about, it's about Jesus. Even more than the Book of Mormon or Joseph Smith, it's about Jesus. I think that if we did less in our attempts to prove the Book of Mormon is true, and more to use the Book of Mormon to prove that Jesus is the Son of God, people will end up loving the Book of Mormon as a result. because it was source, not because it was target." I'll still love searching and being curious about the ancient civilizations of the America's but I am going to work on focusing on Christ and his teachings. Those are the things that are supposed to get in my heart and change me so that I can stand before my maker. We'll find out how it all happened eventually, and until then I will strive to become like my Savior. That is the target.

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