Friday, July 3, 2020

Ethan on Drugs

Ethan starts his mission in less than two weeks. As one of the final steps of his departure preparation, today we finally got his wisdom teeth out.
He looked like such a normal and well behaved teen when we went in. Here he is having polite conversation with the anesthesiologist.
We had tried to have his teeth taken out at JBR clinical research twice during the past year, but Ethan didn't qualify the first time cause he only had three wisdom teeth and for the study you needed 4, and the second time we went in, the study required two on bottom, and he only had one on bottom. They said to call back at the end of March, cause they were going to have a study that only needed 2 on top, so he would have qualified for that. But then the whole corona thing hit, so yeah. All of that made it possible for Ethan to get his wish of getting his teeth out at a place where he could get high on meds. And his hilarious antics delivered. They put him to sleep, then told me to go wait in my car (cause of covid) and they'd call me. 10 minutes later, they called. That was quick. I used the bathroom before I went in, but I should have waited, cause I probably missed some prime recording time. When I went back, he was starting to come out and making strange sounds. And now, for your viewing pleasure, here are Ethan's post-surgery videos.

I stopped that first one so I could polo my family for part of it, which is this part 2.
Then I started to record again as we walked out. The ladies at the check in table gave me a smile and I was laughing "He was dramatic before he was high, so we had a hunch he'd be fun to watch on drugs."
When we got home - his younger siblings were a bit concerned at how weird he was acting.
Ethan trying to defend himself for taking drugs: "I didn't have a choice!"
Sophi chastises him with a little bit of disgust "You had a choice..." you liar!
Then he started to calm down.
Corey and the kids were getting ready to go up to Pineview with Corey's family, so I took Ethan upstairs where he could lay down and I could keep an eye on him.
Lay down.
Let's take out the gauze with one last smile for the camera.
He took a nap shortly after that, and when he woke up he was back to normal, although in a bit of daze. I showed him the videos of himself and we've all be laughing all evening.
I ran to the store to fill his prescription and buy him yogurt and ice cream for some of his soft food dietary options for the next few days. He is not allowed to chew until Tuesday. It was a pretty funny day. There is one more video Corey took of us walking in from the car, I might upload that later. Ethan is thinking of spending the next week editing the videos we took into one wisdom tooth extraction documentary for posterity. Today his package arrived from the Church for his online MTC experience, he got his scriptures in Spanish and language books, his name tag will come next week. Ethan is almost all ready to go! You've done good with all your preparations Eth, we're proud of you. 

So Corey spent the day up at Pineview with MHWASNOD. Hyrum and Wes went up last night and stayed with Mark, then Corey and MASNOD drove up today. Lily and Peter stayed home with Me. Peter did cause he doesn't care, and Lily did cause she needed to catch up on Lego Elvendale stuff. Tonight Corey came back home with HNOD. I'll probably go up tomorrow to pick up MWAS. Corey showed Hyrum the video of Ethan on the drive home. Hyrum said he thought Ethan was kinda forcing/faking it. I don't doubt that Ethan was freely enjoying the opportunity to let lose, but I also know that the drugs had affect his ability to focus. So it was funny, and I'm glad we got it on film. If I ever need a dose of dopamine for a free "happiness fix" (Jody Moore), I'll watch those videos and let myself laugh. It's good for the soul.

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