Friday, July 31, 2020

Group Pic & Jenni's Trail

Today we took a group photo before Joseph flies out tonight. He's headed back to California for a few more weeks until he comes back for school at BYU. He had a phone call with the MTC at 10. We were going to take our group photo at 10:30. At 10:30 he was still talking... So we waited.
Ethan stepped away from his MTC class to join us. Peter was so cute smiling up at him.
And here's the whole family -
After that I headed to the pool with the kids while Corey took Mel, Hyrum, Wes and Abi biking. We got the chair lift bike pass today for 5 bikes. Peter was cute at the pool.
We hung out in the shade for a bit, then we got in. My third time swimming this week. Another Mom and Peter selfie, he's just so cute.
We came in for lunch, sandwiches again. We've had oatmeal every morning for breakfast, and sandwiches for lunch. It's been simple and doable. We brought up some boxes of snacks, like granola bars and cliff bars. They were gone pretty quickly, so when the kids wanted snacks after Tuesday, I sliced up an apple for them. The kids took a break watching tv. Peter fell asleep. I had changed his diaper and then put the swimsuit back on. It was dry by this time. Cute Peter
Corey and kids back from their bike ride.
I was surprised at how dirty their legs were.
I guess that means I don't know much about mountain biking. I decided to learn. Hyrum, Wes, and Abi watched the little kids. With Owen and Peter both napping, it looked like our perfect opportunity to go.  
Taking the lift up to Jenni's Trail.
I think we actually started down Tommy's Two Step from the top, but when I started paying attention, the signs we were following were Jenni's Trail. It was really fun. A little scary at first. The trail seemed so narrow, and there appeared to be a steep mountainside down on the side, but I didn't dare glance over lest I tip and fall, so I just let out hoops and hollers as I panicked. Mel did great. Taking a quick water break.
She borrowed Isaac's bike, and it had shocks, so Mel really enjoyed this ride down. "This is a lot nicer!" You can thank us for keeping your expectations low on the first 2 rides!
I led in front and only fell once on a sharp right turn. I can do left u-turns pretty good, but the right u-turns were harder. It was really fun though. I took a break to wait for these two slow pokes to catch up.
Just kidding. You guys aren't slow. Or if you are, I guess it's nothing for me to brag about since the trail was downhill.
Do you like Corey's scruff? His teenage boys have been begging him to grow it out forever. This week seemed like a good opportunity. The boys all say it makes them respect him a lot more. Our dirty shoes in the elevator. Now I now why their legs were dirty. It was a dirt trail!
Peter enjoying an apple and happy to see we made it back safe.
We cleaned up ourselves from our bike trip and Corey went to the pool with the kids,
Social distancing in the pool. You don't have to social distance from family, so we were a big group
Almost all of the kids were in the pool having fun and splashing each other, Joseph had about 20 minutes before his departure time.
He had to drive to Provo, flight was at 10, so the plan was to leave right after he at dinner, which started at 7, so he left around 7:20. Saying goodbye to his little brothers - Bye Daniel! Bye Peter!
The kids playing 5000 with grandma again tonight.
Ethan was there to make sure they didn't stay up too late. The MTC missionary bedtime of 10:30 has been great for him. As for us, Peter was almost asleep at a decent hour, then he woke up and was high energy. We were up past midnight. He's cute though.

It was another good day, it's been a great week. Checkout is Sunday, but we'll be heading home sometime tomorrow. 

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