Saturday, August 1, 2020

Final Day at Park City

One fun thing from today was that Wesley and Ethan took a bike ride together. Today was Ethan's p-day. As for me, I had a memorable and very gross morning for this, our final day at Park City. The memorable part is also the gross part. This was such a doozy that I don't think I'll ever forget it. Lily came over to our room to use the bathroom, because Sophi threw up during the night and left a HUGE mess in their bathroom. Lily, Sophi, and Mel had been in the lock off room with Corey's parents. I said I'd come clean it up. Lily said it was bad. I didn't think it could be that bad, but I was wrong... cause it was. Look at this sick little girl...
She looks sweet, helpless, innocent, right? Who would think that such a sweet little girl could make such an atrocious mess. I took that picture of her before I started to clean it up. I was still laughing at how big it was, also laughing cause I didn't know where to even start.
It really was all over. You can zoom in if you want details, but there were splatters all over the floor, all over the walls - the walls in front of me, on both sides, and even on the door behind me! And on the wall of the shower behind me! Like... how?!?! The lid had been closed when she threw up, obviously, thus there was a pool of it on the back of the toilet. And another slightly dried puddle at the bottom of the porcelain throne.
It was all kinda dried on. I didn't have any cleaning supplies, so we called the front desk to ask for some cleaning or disinfectant spray. Luckily the cleaner had a powerful smell, which was able to mask the throw up odor. Then I was able to begin. I started with the floor in front of me, so that I could stand by the toilet without standing in it. I sprayed more. Took the towels and swimming suits that got splattered into to the washing machine. I grabbed the paper towels and a big garbage sack. Mel was with me for emotional support. The spray softened up the puke that had been drying for who knows how many hours and we did our initial wipe of all the big surfaces. Lasagna and watermelon from last night, yummy. Sophi, what do you have to say for yourself?
So it was horribly gross, and sharing is cathartic, so I shall now blog about it for all posterity to know. It only ended up being an hour of cleaning. I guess the years of joy Sophi has given us more than compensates for this hour of disgust. We're still glad we had you, Soph, even after seeing and smelling all that. Wayne told me that she also threw up in their bathroom during the night, not sure what time, but I bet we can safely guess it was a between 2-4 am interruption. Wayne washed her clothes and helped her take a shower to get the puke out of her hair. Thank you Wayne, bless you! Back in our room, I tried to get Peter's hand print done, but did not succeed. He was able to do a good hand print every time we practiced, but not when I did it on the canvas, so I shall paint over it again at home and try again. We'll give this to Corey's parents after it's done. I might put names on it too or do something more on it, not sure what yet. The girls came to our room to watch Spongebob.
I let the front desk now that we might have contaminated our rooms if they wanted to give it an extra good housekeeping cleaning after we leave. Maybe it was the past guests in this room that contaminated us! Hopefully it's not covid. Owen threw up 4 times today too. Poor kid, he'd eat, feel sick, throw up, then feel better, want to eat again, throw up again, repeat.
He made it into the toilet twice, which I thought was very impressive for a 5 year old! The two times he missed were once on the tile floor in the kitchen, and just a little on the carpet once after he drank water. I was glad he threw up on the carpet up there instead of at home, cause we just got them washed! At PC, the kids took what I said was a final swim, while Corey drove the bikes back home.
Then Corey spent the day running errands, which was not in the plans, but it's ok, cause like I said, I'd rather have the kids throw up there instead of at home. Peter playing in the boxes as I packed up food and stuff.
Daniel did not want to go home. I let him go for one more last swim as we got kids in the car, it was easier than hearing him protest. Cute boy.
It was also nice to swim cause the sun was down. Today the pool was open until 9, instead of closing at 7 like it did all week. It was open late last night too, which was nice. We finally came home around 9. It was dark, we were going to head to bed so that we could wake up for church tomorrow, but then we texted the bishop to let him know that some of our kids had been sick, and Corey asked if they should still come to pass the sacrament. He said no. So looks like we're staying home again tomorrow. When we got home, there was a birthday package for Owen from my mom. Your birthday lasts longer this way, huh Owen! Taking out one of his presents.
Everyone enjoying the treats she used for pretend packaging filler.
Helping him put together legos.
It's been a fun week.

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