Thursday, July 30, 2020

Hotel Tag

Hyrum and Wes threw up yesterday, today it was Abi's turn. I'm glad when it's an older kid that is sick, cause they suffer it well. I'm really hoping this bug doesn't spread to the little kids. Abi ate breakfast and then was hunched over most of the morning holding her tummy. She finally threw up after lunch and then she felt better. Abi, Seth, and Issac played Skip Bo with me today. We increased the intensity by starting to play killer Skip Bo (similar to Killer Uno)
Daniel asking to go swimming with Alix, wearing a little frankenstein mask. We've had to wear masks at the hotel this week, when we're walking room to room or going out to the pool.
So everyone went swimming today, of course. The kids have been doing crafts with Corey's mom every morning, making bracelets and stuff. Natalie and Peter were well entertained today with some crafts that we brought up that a neighbor gave us last week. A bin of buttons and beads and string and sequin.
The made a sparkly mess all over the floor but everyone helped clean it up tonight before bed.
This afternoon, I attempted to go biking with Wes, Corey told me to go buy a lift pass for him and I, but we barely were able to get the bikes off of the garage wall and I didn't find a bike that I liked or that felt good to ride and I couldn't get the seat feeling right and I began to be reluctant to keep trying. Then Nancy and Jordyn came down to the garage and they were going for a ride out in Deer Valley and they had room for one more, so I told Wes to go with them. I don't have it in me to learn this yet. I'll leave the biking to Corey. Later tonight Wes wanted to go ride again, so Corey took him out with Joseph at night, and Corey came back to the room tired and excited. "I have found my new favorite sport! That was really fun. It's like pod racing through the trees!" Well fun! Maybe I will try, but I need Corey to go with me so I can follow his lead and not be the leader.

The highlight for me today was playing Hotel Tag before dinner. I didn't get any pictures of this, cause I was playing with them (and pushing Peter in the stroller) but it was really fun. This is a game I invented a few years ago up here in Park City. Today we played in pairs. The teams were: Joseph and Natalie, Wes and Sophi, Mel and Daniel, Me and Peter, Seth and Owen, and I can't remember which cousins were with who, but it was an epic game. The game of Hotel Tag goes like this: Walk quietly around the floors of the hotel, and try to not get tagged by whoever is it. I was not very fast since I was pushing Peter. Also, pushing Peter in the stroller limited my option of going up and down stairs. so I was stuck in the halls and elevators. But Peter was being pretty quiet, so that helped. It felt like I was it forever. I did chase a group of kids down the hall. I was walking toward them, they were slowly walking toward me. Wes, Lily, and Sophi were in the group. They asked "Are you it?" I paused for a second and kept walking "Yes..." and then they fled, and I tried to quietly run after them as I pushed Peter and they were all screaming and laughing. I made it to the stairs and I almost got them and would have if I had been able to chase them up the stairs for a second, but as soon as I let go of the stroller and went for the door, Peter started to cry so I went back. I finally tagged someone else when I took the elevator up to the 9th floor. I was waiting in a hallway right by the elevator. I heard it open. I heard Wes say to Sophi "This is the 9th floor..." and I heard them getting closer so I jumped out of my hiding spot and Wes was like "Oh shoot!" and ran, but Sophi just screamed in terror, so I grabbed her and covered her mouth like I was going to kill her, it was so funny. "Sophi! You can't scream like that! We want to keep playing hotel tag, we can't get caught, so shhh!! No screaming!" So I let them go and they were it and we kept roaming the halls. Joseph called me and we decided to play it Zombie style, where once you get tagged, your are it but the person that tagged you is still it too, so soon everyone is it. We played that for a while and had a hard time finding Mel and Daniel. But it was really fun. I didn't join the hotel tag game after dinner cause I was cleaning and putting these munchkins "to bed" - ha, not really. They were jumping and wrestling on the bed.
Mel joined them.
Tickle tickle

And Peter saying cheese for the camera again. He's getting a good cheesy grin. 

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