Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Dental Treatments

We're back at home after a fun week in Park City. Back to the normal covid life until school starts.
Well, no, we'll be going to Bear Lake next week, and then that's the end of the summer fun as we wait for school. This week was our chance to get some errands and tasks taken care of. We picked up a mission book for Ethan, and clothes for Abi. 75 cents at the thrift store, baby.
Yesterday and this morning we also went to get cavities fixed and sealants put on. We took four kids to the dentist two weeks ago, and 2 of those 4 kids need work done. Lily watching tv as she waits for her turn yesterday.
Lily just got sealants put on, she didn't have any cavities, good girl Lil.
Sophi, however, who has already gone to the dentist more than any of our other kids, got to go in twice to take care of her FIVE cavities (and four sealants). She came in yesterday with Lil and today with Natalie. Her first cavity was in Oct 2017, ... skip through to her fifth cavity in April 2018. Today they did Sophi's left side, tomorrow they'll so the right. Her mouth was numb and she felt lopsided. That's a total of TEN cavities you've had in your short 9 years Sophi, and I think that's enough. No more for you.
Natalie had four cavities plus sealants put on. She was a little cold, she appreciated the blanket.
So that's that. Owen is enjoying eating his own cereal that he got from my mom for his birthday. He opened it on Saturday night in the package she sent him. Star Wars cereal!
...with a red guy! He likes red guys.

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