Sunday, August 2, 2020

Park City Recap

Hey! We got back last night from a fun week in Park City, and it was great. I ended up staying up there the whole week, as did Corey. I think I vowed to myself in 2017 that I wouldn't make myself stay up there if I had babies and/or toddlers (That first picture at that 2017 link gives a clue as to what/who were wearing me out.) I decided that it was better for my sanity to drive up and down several times, rather than trying to spend the night up there with a baby and toddlers. I don't think I've stayed the whole week since 2016.  That year I was in my last trimester with Daniel but I think I stayed the whole time. 2017, I couldn't do it. 2018 I was struggling and tired. Last year 2019 I couldn't hack it and we suggested maybe this could be my annual "me" time to prep for the school year and get the carpets cleaned. Corey is usually coming and going quite a bit, too, as are the kids, like last year when E and W left midweek to hike King's Peak. This year was different though for several reasons -

1) I haven't found any monarch eggs, so I didn't have any caterpillars to tend at home.
2) Corey isn't consulting, so he was able to take the whole week off with vacation time
3) The kids didn't have anything pulling them away, as Corona cancelled most all summer plans
4) Social distancing at the Marriott made it so that this wasn't the typical "kids week" where they are all just running every which way wild and free. The Marriott had "social distancing" things in force, so we had to schedule time at the pool and they couldn't just come and go whenever they wanted. Also the "Mine" was closed and the movie theater. So we did a bit more swimming together, playing card games, and we even went mountain biking this year!

Those were all reasons that I kinda liked it better. It was a bit more structured and family/group oriented and less total "kid" focused. Natalie said at the beginning of the week "This isn't fun like it usually is..." I perked up and said "I like it better!" and Corey teased Natalie "Your mother is only happy if you kids are sad..."

So yea, the stars aligned and we all stayed up there the whole week and it was great. Peter only got his toenail bent back by a door opening on him once. Daniel and Owen escaped quite a bit, but I wasn't as worried about them getting lost since it wasn't as busy with people as it is other years. I even stayed on top of meals, dishes, and laundry! And I didn't feel stressed out. That might also be because I've tried out Gut Connect 365 and it might have stabilized my mood? So ANYWAY, it was a great week, even with sick kids for 4 of the 7 days (4 kids threw up a total of 8 times, and one of Sophi's was a doooosy!)

Here's the recap, and then I'm going to go back in time and post each day under the date it happened on with more pictures.

SUNDAY 7/26 - nice drive up via Guardsman's Pass, we saw lots of moose, dinner at the hotel, sacrament together as a family.
MONDAY 7/27- Owen's Birthday! Swimming, even I got in the pool with the kids.
Joseph flew in from California, arrived at 9pm, I picked up Joseph in Provo then headed back up.
TUESDAY 7/28 - all together again - kid picture!
Lots of swimming, Corey, Mel and W went biking, then I went to get Mel cause she crashed a few minutes into it (her bike was too big)
WEDNESDAY 7/29 - Spongebob, Corey took JMW and Seth biking. H and N sick, both threw up in the AM. Swimming. We made dinner tonight and did an activity - getting everyone's handprints, Kids played 5000 with Grandma.
THURSDAY 7/30 - Abi sick, spent the morning hunched over in pain until she threw up a few times, then she felt better. We watched Spongebob, made a mess with beads, Corey went biking at night with J and W, it's his new favorite sport.
FRIDAY 7/31 - Sophi sick this morning, threw up a little. Group family picture, Corey took MHWA biking on Jenni's trail, then Corey, Mel and I went up the lift to do Jenni's trail again
SATURDAY 8/1 - W and E went biking (It was Ethan's "p-day") Owen was sick this morning, and Sophi threw up twice last night. Lily came to inform me of the amazing mess in their bathroom (S threw up on the closed toilet lid, lasagna and watermelon, it was such a big mess). O threw up, then felt better, ate, then threw up again, repeat. He threw up a total of 4 times. Corey took the bikes home then ran errands in the valley while we went swimming in PC, we left for home around 9pm.

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