Saturday, August 29, 2020

Mission and School

Ethan was able to call briefly on Wednesday after arriving in Missouri. Corey talked to him briefly. I did join a Missouri Mission Mom's facebook page and found out who his trainer is - Elder Morgan, and it's cool that he is the son of someone who went to high school with Corey and I! Small world. 

So that was really fun. I think Ethan's p-day is Monday or Tuesday next week, so we look forward to talking with him soon.

The kids survived their first week at school. The school district made an adjustment because of covid: older kids don't have late start Monday (high schoolers) or early out Friday (jr. high) and instead they don't have in person classes on Fridays but do have access to teachers online if they need help with anything. So that's kinda been a nice change from previous years. They really enjoy being able to sleep in on Fridays. The little kids have it every day, just like regular, with the same short day as in years past. I enjoy having Mel at home and am trying to take advantage of it before she starts her mission in 12 days. Pretty exciting! She and Peter were playing a simple game of roll the wheel tonight.

It was cute to watch them.

We were impressed with how flexible Peter is.

It was a pretty good Saturday. The kids helped a little bit with chores, and then Corey took them biking, one by one. Same as last time: we load up in the van and drop them off at the top, then they just need to bike down, easy. When they weren't working, Lily and Sophi were at work in the basement finishing the house they were making for our lego family. They took pictures of each minifigure of each person in our family. I'll just share two - Me and Corey

And of all the kids, I thought this was a great lego representation of Hyrum!

Tonight before bed, the kids gathered around her phone last night watching some funny Instagram videos.

And there's another picture to add to the collection of us huddled around screen devices together, ah the memories. (pic 10

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