Sunday, October 25, 2020

Santaquin Fiesta

Today is Father David's birthday. Iveth and Diego invited us to come down and celebrate, and we accepted the invitation. We had to wait until Hyrum was done with his Mission Prep class though. We were all distracting him as he tried to pay attention to his instructors. "Stop!" he said as I came to take a photo of him, after Corey had already taken one. We just really liked his outfit.

Corey had left with a car full of kids, and when Hyrum was done, Peter and Hyrum and I left to catch up. We joined their lunch gathering that they do every Sunday after mass. It was my first time seeing their new place. Corey's been down there a few times to pick up Father David. There was Spanish Karaoke coming from the garage.

We sat and ate and visited. They had a tres leches cake when it was time to sing.
(sorry, not socially distant... we kinda got caught up in the latino moment and forgot)
We making Maria laugh.
The kids played in the snow outside.
Corey and Lily dancing in the garage.
Owen is not interested in Maria anymore, so Daniel saw his chance to win her heart (he's tried this before... see photo 8)

After Maria was done dancing, Daniel decided to dance with Peter....
Then we tried to leave, the kids got their coats on and then got distracted by legos...
And then they said "Don't go yet! We're just about to do the piñata!!!" Ok, so we came back in for another 30 minutes. They started the hitting with the youngest, so Daniel went first. 
Owen's turn to have a whack at it.
It was nice to see them. I hope we don't get covid. We went by BYU to say hi to Joseph. We aren't allowed to go into his building, glad to see BYU takes this coronavirus stuff seriously. Jospeh got all of us ice cream out of the vending machine and we ate it in the car.
Joseph said hi to the kids in Corey's car (ALSD), then came over to say to our car (HWNP). Peter was distracted by a piñata sucker, so that meant a little more ice cream for us.

The end of the term is upon us, and this young man is not passing FOUR of his classes. A few pictures from yesterday - he's hiding his identity.... but it's the same high schooler that is in the photo above.

I think Corey and I, as parents, are handling it well and are helping him. We've been in touch with his teachers and there is a chance that he can fix things, but we are going to be watching this kid like a hawk for real this time. He's got to learn how to play this game. We think he's been lying to us for months when we've asked "Are you all ready for school tomorrow?" "Yup." And a few more photos from yesterday - Abi still reading her books - 

Some of Daniel's face drawings (cute)
Corey took Hyrum, Lily, Sophi, and Owen on a ride down the canyon Saturday night. This was Corey's first time trying the shotgun seat out on the rocky trail. Owen did great and loved it. I'm glad nobody fell down and got hurt. It's a pretty hard trail to ride down, so good job little kids.
I hadn't exercised yet last night, so I parked at the bottom and started to walk up, thinking that once I saw them I'd be able to jog back with them. That plan worked, only it was really dark by the time we finally met up. That helped me get in two miles, yay. We might need some lamps for our bikes. They took longer than expected because they had found an injured bird and spent 20 minutes trying to figure out what to do with it. They left it for nature to take it's course, but the bird was really persistent and was following them. They went back up today before we left to Santaquin, so that they could walk around and see if they could find it. Corey said they saw the bird last week too. Ah! So there was our weekend. I'm trying not to get behind on the blog here. I know these posts aren't very exciting, and my apologies for not trying to cater to my possible audiences interests, but I'm just trying to write our family's weekly story as much as possible, just trying to capture this time in our life so that the kids have a history to look back on. 

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