Thursday, October 15, 2020

Reading, Drawing, Cooking

Not much happened today, but I did have to share these cute photos of Peter and Mel. It was a day off from school for the elementary kids (fall break). Around 3pm, Owen was asleep, Natalie was at a friends house, so I let Sophi and Daniel go with Hyrum as he left to go pick up Abi and Lily. (Hyrum stayed home from school to study for his phychology test that counts for 100% of his grade) Sophi and Daniel stayed at Corey's parents house, and I was going to pick them up after I picked up Wes, who stayed after school to finish up stuff for his Architectural design class. When Lily heard I was leaving, she wanted to come. They all voted to stay and play at grandma's house and I left Peter there too. I left to get the snowblower, then picked up wes, then back to Wrides for LSDP. I wasn't sure if I should leave Peter, but since Mel was there, I thought it was ok. He sat with her the whole hour I was gone - listening in on her MTC zoom meeting. She's gonna miss this cute little brother of hers

He was a good listener - 
and just with Mel and played with his McQueen car. 

And won over her MTC class with his smiles and adorableness

Mel wants to take him with her to Indiana.

Back at home, I tried to be that mother that let's her children help cook. Peter mixing the powdered queso for some white cheddar Mac N Cheese.
He did a good job.
Natalie and Sophi wanted to help too.
Abi's been reading all day - she got Twilight from the library at school, a perfect book for a teenage girl
Tonight reading continued as Corey read Harry Potter to Sophia.
Wes and Lily listening in -
Daniel stayed up late with us as he colored in one of Lily's drawings
(We all stay up too late....) Abi reading more on her bed. This is the first time she's ever really gotten into a book, which is sad but oh well, we'll take what we can get. 

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