Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Trumpeteer and Spies

Lily got Peter dressed up today, in prep for Christmas festivities I guess. He was wearing a cute little red plaid vest that we got for Wes when he was a 1 year old. Wes was a really cute toddler. Now he's a big brother helping his little Peter play the trumpet. 

Cute little boy.

So Peter was walking around all dressed up and holding Owen's trumpet and he was pretending to blow it - 

His trumpet imitation sound was pretty on point -

He was feeling proud of his trumpet skills. 

Tonight the little kids got all dressed in black and started running around playing spies. 

Wes doesn't count as a little kid, I think he was already dressed in black. 
But he joined the fun for a bit. 
I need a better camera that can catch these kids in motion. They seriously start to go crazy every evening it seems like. They run around and yell and play tag and scream very loudly, especially DanYELL. Nickname: Dan-yell-a-lot. (We stole that from our Moxie salesman). I've started to call this night time default activity "the Sundown Runaround". Owen and Daniel are like twins, and they get loud. The older kids usually don't help calm them down, but that's ok. I'm glad they have fun.

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