Sunday, January 3, 2021

Christmas Again

On Christmas Day 10 days ago, Corey, Lily and Peter were feeling a little sick, so we broke with tradition and didn't go over to Corey's parent's house. The kids had enough presents and there was enough excitement that they took it well, and weren't nagging that much over the following week about when we were going over. Today was the lucky day that everyone was feeling well, so we were able to go over and have a visit and open presents. It's Christmas again! We went over after church and lunch. We pushed back the couch to make room for all the little people and their piles of treasures in the middle where the big kids and adults were able to look on. 

Peter found a McQueen car in Grandma's drawer of toys, and that was all he needed. He happily played with it and would look up when there was a gift for him and he let Natalie or Sophi open it in front of him, then it was back to McQueen.

Some of the messy aftermath -
We did a pretty good job of staying socially distant from Grandma and Grandpa most of the time and the kids did give hugs before we headed home. We went home around 4:30, because we had our friends Ler and December coming over for dinner (last pic). Their little boy Lerdoh has grown up! Well, grown up as much as Daniel atleast, seeing as they were born a day apart: Daniel on the 19th, Lerdoh on the 20th. 
Owen and Daniel did a very good job playing with their boys. Daniel shared his legos that he just got today from Grandma. 
Corey did most of the visiting with Ler and his brother. December is quiet and I'm kinda anti-social so we didn't talk much, I'll try to do better next time. It was a fun day for the kids though. Merry Christmas again! Now it's time for me to go through all the toys and stuff the kids already have and start to organize and purge. We also get a lot of clothes and things from neighbors which I'm very grateful for, so this week I'm going to go through stuff and set up an appointment to donate things we don't need. 

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