Monday, January 11, 2021

Doing a Good Job

I've been doing a really good job lately at a lot of things. I haven't been overeating (thank you Laura Dixon podcast!) and since my food brain is being hushed and silenced, I have mental space to do a better job of taking care of my kids and do all the things I need to do. I've kept the kids bathroom clean, I'm slowly but surely chipping away at the clutter and am vacuuming our bedrooms, I have done Sophi and Natalie's hair like everyday last week and did them both again today - cute braids and stuff. I need to look up more hair-dos cause I'm not very creative. We have have had movies on less and are playing more. Today Owen and Daniel were painting with water. 
A nice neighbor gifted us those, and I'm just feeling really proud and pleased with myself and with life. I'm really happy that I'm doing a good job and I think the key has been realizing that I have had this food brain and food obsession for like my whole life probably and I never even knew it. So I have been listening to her podcasts as I clean, mostly in the kitchen doing the daily things up there and also working in the basement. I have been cleaning up down there, and I'm hoping this will be the last time that I have to dig us out of this hole. Yesterday Natalie was playing school with Owen and Daniel down there- 
And I thought this calendar of activities was really cute. Miss Natalie's class goes on a lot of field trips! I guess they aren't having a pandemic in her imaginary classroom, lucky.
The girls had violin today. We were talking with Mel and Ethan when I was picking up S and N from schoool. You might have noticed that I took their blogs off of my blog roll here on the side column, and that was at their request. I didn't figure out how to make them private yet, but they want me to do that just in case they write in their weekly emails about any of the people that they are teaching and they share a crazy story about them... they don't want them to feel bad. But as of now, you can still go to their blogs, I'm just not putting the link on the side. I'll put them here one last time - Mel's blog, and Ethan's. (I'm a little behind updating those...). Joseph was telling his siblings about how the dating scene is going for him. 
One of Joseph's best friends, Scotty, just got married last week to his (Scotty's) high school sweetheart, Xani, who Joseph ran for SBO with at Skyline. So that was fun and they talked about that, and we got their take on the Capitol riot and how the attack on our democracy is looking from their states. It'll be interesting, hang in there America, turn to Christ and hang on for the bumpy ride (referring to the quote by President Nelson I referenced there). That's all for today - keep up the faith. Follow Mr. Rogers example, and just be the best neighbor you can to the people around you. 

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