Wednesday, January 13, 2021


The older kids have the end of the term this week. So they had school Monday and that was it. Tuesday through Friday are at home to finish up assignments and catch up on homework. Which seems like a big break to me, but whatever. I don't think any of them have completed all the required work, and I don't know how they all get behind, but it looks like that is what is happening. How do you motivate kids to do well in school? I got 4.0s every term through junior high and every year in high school except for my senior year, when I got two A minus and one B+. I think straight were important to me because my older sister got straight As and I'm competitive. I'm wondering if things just different now with so much on computers and online that it's harder to stay on top of things? I think Hyrum has figured it out, which is good since he's graduating this year. It seems like Wes works all day everyday but never is finished. I feel like I rarely see Abi or Lily doing school work. Or maybe they are just on their chromebooks so often that I don't realizing they are working so much? It seems to me like Abi always has free time even though she has 3 Ds. (Abi, a 1.6 gpa is a D letter grade!) So I just don't get what they are thinking and I don't know how to help them. I shall make it a matter of prayer. Abi enjoys school and her friends. She made some muffins yesterday and today, showing what she's learned in FACs. Sugar and cinnamon muffins are her new specialty. She's wearing an apron (pic 7) that Grant and Steph got her from Portugal

I wish good grades would be her signature dish. We're going to try to bribe them with money next term, or we're also considering taking all of their phones, which are already pretty locked down and restricted. But if they can't get good grades, we're going to cancel all privileges. Feel free to comment with ideas on school motivation or helps for struggling teens.

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