Saturday, March 20, 2021

First Day of Spring

Today is the first day of Spring! To celebrate, Corey and I went up the canyon to enjoy skiing. This really was probably our last time, cause we've used up all our passes with the Mountain Collective. 
....but maybe we'll go use some of our half price offers. I was thinking we needed to use it this weekend because we are going to Moab next weekend, but then realized Moab is in two weeks, not one. But we maybe Corey would have a busy week again, so we gotta take the chance while we have it. We weren't planning on spending the whole day, but we pretty much did. We left home at 8:45 and were able to park without a problem. No traffic going up the canyon either. We had a good time. The snow was coming down all day. I got better at going down some short steep parts, but still hesitate on the long steep hills. I did better on the blues though, and I only fell down twice. We had lunch at Collin's Grill. I got a salad, Corey got chili. I'm going to get chili next time, cause the salad was super small, and it was gorgonzola cheese which is just nasty. ugh. Vegan chili next time, I'll remember. We had a nice view of the mountain though!
The snowy day wasn't bad at all with goggles on, but it was all so white that I struggled a little bit with my depth perception. The little tree area at the bottom of the Rock N Roll Hill was really really fun. I liked that the best. We did it like 5 times. On our last run at 3:15, it really was like a winter wonderland. 
So at 3:30 Corey said we probably should be responsible parents and go home to take care of our children. Ok fine. So we headed to the car. We started to leave. But then traffic stopped. And we all just sat there. For a 10 minutes, 15 minutes... 30 minutes... an hour... 
And then for 2 hours... We checked the udot traffic for the Cottonwood Canyons and texted the kids every little bit to let them know of the lack of progress in our situation, and they were all good, and we sat. "I wish we had kept on skiing!" I said, and Corey teased that he's created a monster. We calmly and patiently waited as the winter storm raged outside. "I feel bad for the pioneers at Martin's Cove. That must have been horrible. We are totally fine and warm" I said as we sat in our thoughts. Corey added "...and entertained!" (He was laughing at our friend Kevin's facebook memes, very funny.) 

We got in the car around 3:40 and arrived home at 6:44. It was long, but it is ok. We're sorry for anyone who skidded off the road, but if it was because you did not have 4 wheel drive, tsk tsk! No driving up the canyon without 4 wheel drive or chains, like the signs say at the mouth of the canyon. But now that we've waited for hours in bad traffic going up the canyon and now coming down, I guess we are true skiers.

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