Friday, March 19, 2021

Smell the Flowers

Hello. I don't know why I take pictures of Peter sleeping all the time. It maybe should be that "if you've seen one cute sleeping baby, you've seen them all" so I am silly to take photos each time I come into my room and see him still sleeping and think "AWWW!!! He's so cute!" But then again, maybe a sleeping baby is like a rose in bloom. Sure, you've seen it before and will see it again, but it's still beautiful and amazing, so take time to pause and smell the roses. And take time to pause and sigh at the cute sleeping baby. Peter, I love you. He is just pure sweetness. Except for when he's not (aka yesterday) but its' ok to have a bad day now and then, especially cute babies.

I didn't smell roses today, since there aren't any yet, but I did pause to enjoy these spring beauties as I took Owen to the bus. Pretty spring flowers. 

Things (my attitude) is better today. Joseph and Hyrum left the Fiesta in Beaver. The axil broke, and they won't be able to fix it until Wednesday. There was another Moxie friend that was able to pick them up, so they're in St. George now and will be selling tomorrow, and we'll figure out how to get the fiesta home later I guess. Come what may and love it.

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