Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Biking, Writing, Drawing

Daniel is pretty good at riding Peter's little bike. He road it to and home from the bus stop when we took Owen. 

Daniel is a good little rider and can balance perfectly well. I don't think he'll be able to get far on that bike on Slickrock... we probably aren't taking that one, maybe we are, I'm not sure what the plan is, and we need to pack. Corey got a new tent last weekend, so should be fun. Yippie, we're all going camping together! Yay? Corey's become all Mr. Outdoors-y! This will be the first time he and I have camped together. He's taken the kids by himself (another time alone) and I've taken kids alone (sometimes a little resentfully...), but we've never done it together! So we'll see how this goes, might be fun to have both mom and dad there? We've been married 22 years and we got another "first"!

Sophi left letters for everyone on their beds yesterday. TODAY, we learned that she had mass produced these personal letters when we saw one of the unwritten-on notes - with an unfinished drawing of a person that can be custom made to match the addressee:

Here are her letters to Ethan and Melodie - hilarious!

I'm going to include a copy of her mass produced blank copy for each of them, I think they'll get a real kick out of it! And here's a drawing Owen did of the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda, I love it. These kids make me laugh.

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