Friday, March 5, 2021

Just The Two Of Us

Corey and I had a day off from life and went skiing together today! The kids were excited to be left on their own. Last night they each made out a checklist of all the things they were going to do while we were gone, to prove that they are trustworthy. If they used their time wisely, we promised them that we could do this again. Maybe we could start to not just have a weekly date night, but a whole date DAY! Hey, we're game for that! So with that plan in place, Corey and I woke up, had a quick bite to eat, put on our stuff, and then we left! "Well that was easy!" 

When we left at 8, all the kids were still in bed except for Owen. O is our early riser and he woke up and had breakfast with Corey, and then we put on Toy Story for him. I texted Hyrum after we were on our way to let him know Owen was the only one awake. Hyrum replied right away, so that was good. I also told H to please change Peter's diaper within an hour of him waking.

We got a great easy parking spot at the east of Albion parking. Used the bathrooms. Got in line at like 8:40. The lifts didn't open until after 9:15 for some reason. But that's ok, we just stood in line and talked. It was a beautiful morning! We took Sunnyside up, then over to Sugarloaf! I've never been on that one! It was fun! I thought I looked a little bit like a bug. It is nice to have goggles.

Corey and I skied all over the resort, and I did a tolerable job keeping up. I only fell 5 times (I think), and only one of those was an out of control fall/slide down a steep hill, so, pretty good for my beginner self. We did Sugarloaf twice, then we did Supreme a few times, and we just had fun going all over. We took the rope tow to Collins, and did one run of Wildcat. Then back over to the Supreme side where we founds some places to ski through tress. Trees are fun. Corey up on a rock - 

At the top of Supreme again... At the top of Supreme you could see the Heber Valley and also looking around 360 there were just amazing mountain peaks in ever direction. 

We traded goggles - Corey gets to be the fly now - Looking North at him - 

South Selfie of me - 

We stopped for a simple lunch and bathroom break near Collins Grill. (I brought nuts and a couple of Kind bars). Corey bought a Powerade.

We checked in with the kids, and then back out for more fun. 

So cool at the top of Sugarloaf, as you start to take the Collins Return you can see Timpanogus!

I thought that was so cool and beautiful. It's so fun to just be able to take a little ride on a lift and be up at the top of the world. 

It takes a long time and a lot of work to hike far enough up to enjoy these views, which is like the reward for hiking, but this is quick and easy, and you get to come up and take it in again and again. No wonder people love skiing. We stayed until 3:45 and it was great! Back at home, everyone was alive and well. The whole kitchen was spankin' clean! The kids had all practiced and done their homework. The only instructions not followed was changing Peter's diaper. So I took care of that and changed his clothes, and I'd call that a success! We'll have to do this again soon. When we got home, Corey could tell Owen had missed him. O was being super sweet and wanted to come with Corey to the bank with Abi, and then he wanted to come on our date with us. So Corey told him "let's go skiing tomorrow!" He made quick plans for that and we went on a nice dinner date to Epicurious, then back home to load up the car with their stuff and get ready for a day of fun again tomorrow. I think my legs and knees are going to be too sore to participate. So Corey decided to use the Park City ticket he got for himself back in August, and Sophi, Natalie, Owen, and Daniel all have free passes, so it's going to be a ski day with the little kids. That will be fun for them. 

I guess I lied about last Saturday being our last time skiing with kids. Or maybe it was just my last time skiing with them (maybe? I guess we'll see what happens next weekend!)

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