Saturday, March 6, 2021

Park City Skiing and ABCs

Corey took SNOD up skiing at Park City today. He said it was a bit crowded, but it was a great time and they loved it. Here they were on their lunch break.

They all came back with their eyes a little pink from the sunshine, hopefully that didn't cause long term damage. Corey took lots of videos. Here's a video of their first run. A closer up video of them skiing, cute kids. Having fun going through the trees, until they hit a steep hill.... which leads to this video that I love - hearing Owen squeel/scream as he slides down the hill at :18 is so funny!

Here's one more of their last run of the day. There are more videos on Corey's channel. I uploaded them, but I'm going to try and get him to start to upload stuff so that I can have access to all the kid activities that he documents. He has started to share a lot on Messenger so that Mel and Ethan can see them, so if I get the videos from there then I'll put them on my channel. But maybe I'll set an alarm for every evening to get on his phone and upload a few.

Here at home, we didn't do anything big, just the small simple fun things with Peter. He and I built a tower for his Duplo McQueen. 

And Abi quizzed him on his ABCs
He knows all of them! Except he sometimes calls the letter "P" Peter instead. 

He drew scribbles on the ABCs
We think he's the sweetest cutest thing ever.

And he dozed off and took a short nap when Abi was reading to him. He's a cutie patootie.

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