Thursday, March 18, 2021

Little Trials

Daniel was pestering me again today to go to the park. Let's go NOW and I want to leave NOW, Peter was freaking out about his jacket Daniel was wearing, among other things... He was also mad that he was unable to ride his bike up the grassy hill of our neighbor's lawn. I think he was mostly tired... the squirming at night might finally be catching up to him...

But I took them to the park. I feel like they haven't left me alone at all today - ODP were playing outside while the kids were at school, but after they got home, we loaded up and left. 

P was fussy the whole time. I didn't want to make dinner, so we got Little Caesars pizza on the way home. Lily left her jacket, so I told them I'd drive back to get it, but I'm going by myself. And I did leave by myself and I very much appreciated the quiet drive. I was feeling a bit sad for myself today that I didn't feel like I had a moment alone. After my drive back for Lily's jacket, at 8:00 when I was back at home, the kids had eaten and all seemed in order, so I said I was going for a 2 mile walk. Daniel and Owen both caught wind of someone leaving thee house ("To the Outside! Oooooo!"- little green aliens in Toy Story) and wanted to come. I didn't want them to, but said yes and changed my 2 mile route to the .33 route around our neighborhood. They did that littler warm up lap around the block with me, and then they were exhausted, yay and good. I was then able to make my second attempt to sneak out without them. Ugh, it's just been a crazy day with nothing to show for it. I guess some days are like that. Busy all day but I can't really think of anything I've gotten done. I guess did go on a walk. There's one thing I did. Corey's been working late a lot the past few weeks. Right now it's just barely at 10:30 and he's home, he's been getting phone calls from Hyrum and Joseph. They took the fiesta to St. George so they'd have a car during the weekend pre-selling season. Joseph asked before they left if it was in good enough shape. "I don't know... it passed emissions and inspection, but I don't drive it. I know it's been beat up by all of you kids..." He decided to take it, and then it started making sounds outside of Beaver and it broke down. They had another guy in the car with them, and he knew a family in Beaver, the Watts I think, and the are going to stay there tonight, so that's a blessing. At first when Joseph and Hyrum were texting and calling Corey for help, J said "Well we just need to get it to Beaver to get it fixed so we can go..." Corey laughed "It doesn't work that way, it's 11 at night. I think you need to find a hotel. They're not going to call the mechanic to get out of bed to come fix the car tonight..." Oh, yeah... I guess they probably wouldn't. So they waited for a tow truck until midnight (it's midnight now as I've been typing this) and now they're sleeping over at somebody's house and they'll get it checked out tomorrow morning. ha. It's good they are having this experience, and I'm glad its them and not me. Maybe they'd say the same thing about me and my woe's from today. I guess we just need to endure the hard days and be thankful for the good. With both good experiences and hard ones, we can learn to say "This too shall pass." Some things pass quick, some things pass slowly. Today we heard that Shawn Bradley, a BYU basketball player from back in the day, was hit while he was riding his bike and is paralyzed now. It didn't say if it's from the waist down or from the neck, but wow, what a hard trial that would be. That would be hard "new normal" to adjust to. The whole world for his wife and him and his family has changed. I loved this picture from his instagram.

I'm sure he'll be an amazing example for all of us as we see how he faces this. I will try to do better in and be more compassionate in my thoughts as I face my little trials.

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