Monday, May 17, 2021

At Violin

Hey there. Today I was able to do a bit of practicing violin, so that made me happy. I let Owen stay home from school today. He said his tummy hurt but I don't think it really did cause he was acting fine so I'm not sure what is going on there, cause I know he loves school. I think he was hoping to play with his friend instead, but I told him if he's sick he needs to lay down. So he did get on his bed whenever I saw him, but yeah, he was faking it. Once again the little boys came with us to violin lessons. Natalie was sweet reading to Owen today while she waited for her turn.

She is a sweet sister. 
I didn't have a lesson today. I talked (mostly listened) to Corey and Ethan visit. Mel is in a different time zone than Ethan, so her p-day is over at 4, and then we talk to Ethan until 5. Natalie talked to them while we drove to violin. Ethan took these pictures.
I think he was laughing at Natalie... Those little kids are always playing with the filters! 

Mel lost track of time and talked to us until 4:15, oops. On our way out after our lessons, Owen read aloud a few numbers... "2-4-6-0..." and I thought he was quoting Les Mis - but I looked and it was just the number of the house across the street! Add Natalie's finger and what to we get? "My name is Jean Valjean!!" I never noticed that! We just watched that movie recently, so that was funny.

Corey worked late tonight, so I blew off dinner and let the kids have leftovers and ice cream sandwiches and I blogged and blogged and didn't share my computer with them to do their homework, so they colored while I typed away. I'm almost finished blogging April!! I have 3 more entries (April 28, 29, 30) and actually for that week I only need one more to have 5 posts, which is my goal - 5 posts for each week, but that week had a lot going on, so I think I'll need to do all 7 days. Anyway, that feels good to have gotten some blogging done. I'm only 3 weeks behind (and fyi I'm blogging this on May 30th, ha! I take notes about what I did, so I know that I blogged on May 17th, but yea today it's Sunday the 30th... I'm still 3 weeks behind!)

Cute Peter tonight, wearing the Mandalorian paper machet helmet that Wes made for his 3D design class - Holding a Baby Yoda doll that I just bought that I think might be his toy.

Owen had Louie, Daniel has his bear, and Peter loves Baby Yoda. He calls it "Baby Loo-dah" which is so cute when he says it. Who is under there?

I see you Peter! 

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