Sunday, May 16, 2021

First Time at Nursery

Today was a great day at church, because it was 2 hour church! We got to stay for the second hour! The youth have been staying for the 2nd hour for a few months, but it was fun for the rest of us to join in that sociality. We all still wore masks, but that might be ending soon too, so hooray! Corey taught the youth Sunday School class and he did a great job. I dropped off Peter in nursery and then went to help Corey cause he needed another adult there. After class was over, I went to go get Peter and my heart just melted seeing these three little boys sitting reverently and listening to their teacher. 

SO SO SO adorable! That's Evan on the left, Bear in the middle (I don't know his real name, but everyone calls him Bear) and Peter on the right. Soooo sweet! I snapped that picture to share with their moms and the teachers and then we opened the door. When Peter saw Lily, the stress and pressure that had built inside his little heart burst out. He began to bawl. 
He looked like he was sitting there so sweetly and quietly I had not been expecting that reaction. He looked like he had been holding that in for a while. And he cried "Mommy gone!!" over and over in between blubbers and sniffs.
Peter! Mommy came back! Mommy was gone, but Mommy came back!! We gave him love and he slowly calmed down.
Oh our baby Peter, are you ok? We haven't scarred you have we? I wiped away his tears and gave him lots of kisses. He'll get used to this.
Natalie had a "Great to be Eight" program and she got all the info about what will happen and where when she is baptized in July. She is so lucky that she gets to be baptized on her birthday! That was a lucky thing that her birthday will be on a Saturday! She's the only girl in her class. 
It seems like with most of my kids, when they've been in primary, they seemed to be the only girl or the only boy. Luckily as they've grown up there have been more kids that move into the neighborhood, but right now Natalie is the only girl.

Corey invited some friends from Brazil to come over for dinner tonight, Elyseu, his wife and three teenage sons. We had a nice visit and a nice dinner. Our guests had brought dessert, and my kids had flashbacks when she brought out Maracuja pudding and little Brazilian brigadeiro chocolate bonbons. The missionaries came by at 6:15 too for a visit and to invite us to invite someone to our home or share the gospel somehow. I'll see what I can think of to do for that. And I'll try to help my kids remember to do something too for when they come and follow up with us. 

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