Saturday, May 15, 2021

Hale Center Theater

Today the girls and I went to Hale Center Theater to see their performance of Les Miserables!
It was really fun. Hale Theater is the only theater in the world performing Les Mis right now. And it was especially enjoyable because we didn't have to wear masks! 
I am so impressed with the theater. I spent most of my time trying to imagine how things are run back stage to get all the different props and stage pieces in place. It is pretty amazing. Things opening up on the floor, coming down from the opening above, coming in from the sides, and actors and singers all moving around with all of it. I'm impressed the actors don't get dizzy or lose their balance on the rotating stage. 
Just super cool all around. Very well done, I highly recommend. I've only been to two performances there, this one and The Dr. Seuss Seusical Musical one. The kids weren't that excited the first year we had tickets but now they all like it.

Hyrum is still struggling in Pennsylvania. As he called Corey for some comfort and advice, Corey told him: "Well..."
"'s hard. Life sucks and then you die. What can I tell ya?" Hyrum was inspired and made that inspirational poster above. I'm still fasting for Hyrum, doing an IF fast of either 22/2 or 20/4. I feel for him. Wes and Peter were looking adorable this afternoon as the girls and I left. 
Peter sure loves Wesley.
Rhyan came over to hang out yesterday and today. Daniel loved the attention from her. 
She did his hair and he thought that was fun.
I also let Peter play at the park yesterday while we waited for Sophi's soccer practice to end. The soccer season is almost over. Their last games are next Saturday. I'll be glad to not have Friday night practices anymore. 
He did so good getting up to the slide and then going down it all by himself!
He's getting the playground thing down! And of course his little voice saying "hello mommy" just melts my heart.
He also loved the horsey. I enjoyed watching him play.
What else went on this weekend... I got my second Covid shot yesterday. My arm hurt quite a bit and I felt a little ill last night and went to bed early but I've been feeling fine today. I do feel a bit maxed out and was ready for date night last night. We went to Nordstrom Grill down in City Creek, it was very good. I liked their roasted brussel sprouts. Today Corey went and got a lawn mower. We have paid a guy named Marcos to do it the past two years but he never reached out this year, so I guess we'll start trying to own our yard again. I don't love out yard though. Darn morning glory weeds and rogue grass have taken over the flower beds and I don't have time or energy to give to our yard yet. 

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