Thursday, May 13, 2021

River and Pool

Yesterday I went up into the mountains for a quick 15 minute walk before having to get back and get the kids off to school. It was my first time up there this year, yay! The river is so beautiful. (Maybe it's a creek, not a river?)
I made a mental goal to bring the kids up here sometime soon. Today ODP and I were going to go swimming at the splash pad, and I was on top of it and we got all ready and got to the rec center right when it opened! Go me - that should give us a good hour of swimming before Owen had to get back for school, and that was when I learned that the indoor pool is not open on Thursdays. Darn. I keep learning by experience what their hours are, either cause I get there when they are about to close (happened twice) or now cause I get there when they are not even open. The boys were sad, so I promised them we would go later tonight. And we did. But what to do with ourselves now? I guess I can take them up the canyon to see the river. We weren't really dressed for a hike, and it wasn't really a hike anyway, but Daniel was freaking out cause the sand kept getting in his sandals. He was ready to quit and go back to the car, but I dragged him a little ways up the trail to where we could sit by the river. 
O and P had fun climbing and throwing rocks.
Daniel sat there pensively, contemplating the difficulties of life.
I like it by the river, Peter liked it.
Owen had fun. They both had socks on though. Daniel and I were in sandals.
I was only slightly concerned of them falling in the river and being swept away, which concern was probably just cause I was outnumbered.
We went swimming tonight, I took LSNODP. We kinda had the place to ourselves again!
They had fun. 
I was impressed that Peter let Natalie take him down the slide, I didn't think he would.
And Peter can do the little slide on his own, but he still likes having a spotter.

Daniel crashed on the couch.

Owen in Hyrum's big joe chair. 
I think that's a sign of a good day of parenting when the kids collapse from exhaustion!

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